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Requested by ALIYAHMAYOB . You are a human.

Your POV

"And none of you believe me?!?" You questioned in disbelief, looking at the Cybertronians and humans in front of you.

"I'm sorry Y/N but, if a device such as this was built it would require massive amounts of energon, an amount too big to be on Earth." Optimus tried to reason, but you simply turned your head, a look of disgust on your face.

It had been three days since you and the other humans had been rescued from the Decepitcon warship, the Nemisis. In the heat of battle, Shockwave had left his lab to help with the fighting. You had run into his lab because an Insecticon was chasing you. That was when you had stumbled upon blueprints for what looked like a bomb, but you learned what it truly was when you tricked the same Insecticon that chased you into explaining. Though you still did not know what it would be used on, you knew it would be bad. Sadly, none of the Autobots saw the prints because the damn Con blew it up when he tried to hit you.

"I know what I saw, Optimus, and we need to take action. Now or it is going to be too late." You said angrily at the large bot. Optimus opened his mouth, but Ratchet, your guardian, beat him to it.

"Even if it were true, it is probably years away from being fully operational. We attacked them three days ago and are not prepared to try and do it again. Besides, you do have a tendency to exaggerate."

You stared at the bot that was supposed to be your friend. You and Ratchet had gotten pretty close, and to hear him brushing you off like that really hurt.

Glancing down at your watch, you hung your head.

"I need to go home." You said, looking at the ground. Ratchet transformed without word and soon the two of you were off. There was nothing said on the ride to your house and that bugged you. If none of the Autobots believed, than you would find someone who would.

"We are here." Ratchet said, pulling up to the curb. You went to open the door to Ratchet's alt mode but, you paused.

"I have to do something Ratchet. I can't stand idly by as my home gets destroyed and my friends are killed. You know that." You said sadly, stepping out of the vehicle. As you walked to your house, the sound of tires rolling away filled your ears. Walking up to your front door, you turned towards the road that your guardian had disappeared.

"I'm sorry for what I'm about to do, Ratchet. I'm an Autobot, through and through, but it had to come down to this."

You whispered into the night, a single tear making its way down your cheek. Shaking your head, you took out your phone and dialed the number you saw in Shockwave's lab.

"Starscream. We need to talk."

--------------times lip----------------------

5:01 am

You tapped your foot as you waited to meet the renegade SIC. You really don't know why Starscream agreed to help you, but it was too late now. The roar of a jet broke you out of your thoughts.

"Starscream." You said, nodding at the winged bot as he transformed.

"Human. I'm surprised you had the guts to call me. Aren't you scared of betraying your little Autoscum friends?"

You grit your teeth at Starscream's jab. You had to keep a level head of you were going to ally yourself with this dingbat.

"You were around when they started to build the device, so you know what it will be used on. If we are going to destroy it, I need to know it's purpose."

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