Past and Future-Wheeljack

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Your a human

Your POV

You did not have the easiest life.

Not by a long shot.

But it got better when you meet the Autobots. Sure you were being targeted by their bloodthirsty enemies, the Decepitcons, but that gave you a reason to stick around.

Not that you needed one, in the Autobots' opinion.

You loved the Autobots like they were your family and they slowly began to feel the same about you, but there was always one bot whom you cared for in a different way. Not that he would know that, since he didn't stay long enough to notice it.

Every so often, Bulkhead would beg you to tell Wheeljack how you feel about him, but you always said no, in fear he wouldn't return those feelings. And after what had happened in your past, you couldn't bear to lose the ones you loved over a silly crush.

You had come to Jasper because you were running from a bad relationship. In your old town, you never truly had friends or even just someone to talk to. Your parents had both overdosed on drugs and died, right before the start of 5th grade for you. After that, no one in the town wanted to deal with the 'drug dealers' daughter. You only ever had your now ex-boyfriend of 2 years, Ben, who had made a habit of taking out his anger on you. He had said and done some awful things to you, but Ben had been the only one who put up with you, which is why you stayed with him for so long. You still remembered hearing him threaten you over the phone as you boarded the bus that would take you away from your terrible past.

' I'll find you,' he had said, ' and I will kill whoever tries to keep you from me.'

His voice still haunted your nightmares. The Autobots wanted to know about you past, so they continually asked you questions. Where your parents were, why you had left, what your boyfriend was like. You didn't talk much at first but slowly you started to open up to them.

But you never told Wheeljack your story, and that bugged him.

A lot.

He had asked the other Autobots but they told him he would have to ask you himself. So he made that his mission and when the chance came around he took it.

"Y/N would you mind if I took you home today?" Wheeljack asked, as you were getting ready to go. You glanced over at Optimus, your guardian for permission and he nodded a yes.

"Sure!" You said as Wheeljack transformed into his alt-mode. You climbed into the front seat and Wheeljack headed out of the base.

You and Wheeljack made small talk and soon were having a very intense conversation. So intense, that you didn't notice that Wheeljack passed your house and pulled onto a cliff facing the setting sun.

"Why am I here?" You asked as you stepped out of Wheeljack's alt-mode. Wheeljack turned his holoform and started walking towards you while saying.

"You are here because you have something you need to tell me."

You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose.

"You want to know what brought me here to Jasper." You said. Wheeljack nodded, a grim expression planted on his face.

"You need to let me in Y/N. Please."

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