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This was requested by @soulofthedragons
You are a Predacon who is on the Decepticon side and you cannot speak.

Your POV


You growled silently and shook the memories from your head as you flew through the air. The night air whistled past your audio receptors as you dove towards the ground. At the last minute, your wings snapped out and you leveled a few feet from the ground. This did nothing to rid you of the memories that sounded in your processor.

You had been in deep, death-like sleep for a a very long time. But before that, you were a warrior, fighting alongside your Predacon counterparts. You were very skilled and almost never lost a battle, until the fateful day that you did. It started as a minor skirmish, but soon escalated into a full out massacre. Everywhere you had turned your friends and family were cut down. You fought as hard as you could, and as your strength weaken, another Predacon attacked. You should have died, but it was your sparkmate that took the fatal blow. He jumped in front of you as the other ripped out his spark. You let out the loudest roar you could muster, and everything went black.

When you came to, you were told that you massacred the enemies. But, you had not stopped there. You tracked a wounded solider back to the home of the beings that killed your love, and slaughtered them all. By the time someone found you, there were bodies everywhere and you were pacing amongst them, screaming for more blood.

After you learned this, you made two decisions. One, that you would never speak again and two, that you would be put in a deep sleep, oy to be woke in times of war. Soon after you were granted your wishes and did not wake up until Autobots and Decepticons roamed the land.

"Y/N, return to the Nemsis please. Autobots are nearing your position." Megatron commed you, breaking you out of the past.

Growling you landed on the ground and let out a roar. If they came let them come. You could take them. Hearing Megatron grumble about not murdering them too badly, you snorted as you saw familiar vehicles roll towards you.

"Y/N, we have no come to hurt you. Leave now and we won't have to" Optimus said, as he and his team transformed in front of you.

You let out another ear-shattering roar and attacked.

-----------------time skip----------------------------

So you beat the heck out of the Autobots. You were transported back to the Nemsis and immeaditly stormed to your quarters, no one bothering to stop you.

Unbeknownst to you, the silent bot known as Soundwave watched you with longing and concern in his optics. He did care for you, but he had to remain cautious, in case you rejected him and disappeared even more into yourself.

You paced around your room in your bot form. You were still fired up from the fight with the Autobots and the memories from a time long passed kept flooding your processor. You dumped yourself on your berth and let out a silent sigh. You just wanted to sleep and not wake up for  a while. You jerked your head up at the sound of your door opening.

Silently, Soundwave stepped into the room and the two of you stared at each other. You had quite a soft spot for the communication officer and couldn't get him out of your head sometimes.

"Are you alright Y/N?" He asked in other voices. You shook your head no. He cautiously sat beside you, staring at you the entire time. Reaching out a servo, he cupped your cheek tenderly. You leaned into him more, weariness weighing you down.

"Please, let me in" He whispered into your audio receptors. You shook yourself and pulled away from him. You refused to look at him, because you were scared that if you did, you would fall in love with him. You had to keep your walls up, you did not want to get hurt again.

" Y/N..." He trailed off as your optics remained on the floor. You clung to your strength and security deep inside you, fearing that you would lose whatever inoccence you had left.

" I know you were hurt and you are scared to let yourself love again. But Y/N, you can trust me. I'm not going anywhere."

You finally pulled your gaze back up to his faceplate, he had revealed his true face to you and was looking deep into your spark. You put a shaking band up to his cheek and gently pulled his face down to yours.

Your lips met his and you let go of your walls, your fears, your hurt, and your past. You were still cautious but, kissing Soundwave was the best thing you had done in a long long while.

You kissed him and kissed him and it was just you and him and the world fell away. You were done being lonely, being scared of pain and running from your past.

You would never let yourself be lonely again.

Authors Note.

Hey guys, sorry for not updating as much. I've just had such a busy life and I have been stressing over school and life and ugh.

So basically there is this person Im pretty sure I'm in love with and they came to my party and my BEST FRICKING FRIEND DECIDED TO SNUGGLE UP TO THEM. IT HURT LIKE HELL. AND IT WAS IN MY OWN HOUSE. AND NOW THEY MIGHT START DATING.

So yeah. It hurts. But hey what can you do. Anyway Merry Christmas. Sorry if this is crappy.

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