This is who I am-Knockout

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You are an Autobots, who is Ratchet's daughter.

Your POV

"No one wants you around here anyway.."

"I never wanted a sparkling, but here you are...."

"I must say I'm disappointed...."

The voices of Team Prime echoed in your helm and tore into your spark as you sped down the road, desperate to get away from the base. You didn't care where you went, just that you were getting away from the bots you had once called your family.

But that was before your accident.

You had just arrived on Earth with Team Prime when you were in a car accident with one of the human inhabitants of Earth. The car wreck had been horrible, with both you and the human tumbling over the side of a cliff on fire. The human has died, while you had lost your left optic, and were left with a lame leg and servo. You were still able to fight, but Optimus almost never let you.

No one dared to say it, but you knew you were seen as a burden. From the start you knew, from the looks in the others optics and the way they tiptoed around you. Of course you went back into the field once or twice, when your father deemed you fit. After that you were just seen as weak and incompetent. Everyone would grimace when Optimus put you on teams with them and he would have this apologetic look in his optics.

Not that you blame him. Or the others. It was their nature to find the best ways to survive. And you knew that their nature's would drive you away one day.

But not this soon.


You skidded to a halt and transformed as what seemed like a bomb blew up in your path. You immediately transformed your servo into a blaster as you spotted the Decepticon leader appear from the portal.

"Y/N you are foolish to travel this far by your-why are you crying??" The Warlord asked, cutting himself off.

You had known him when you were just a sparkling, and he had been named your godfather at birth. Even though you were on opposing sides of the war, he had never really tried to harm you. The times you had confronted him, he had either knocked you out with a pinch or had run.

" I-I-I had a fight with my father and the Autobots. We argued and I left. They didn't want me anymore. They only saw me as a burden." You answered truthfully, after all this bot had been basically like your father.

Megatron had a dark expression on his face as he heard your words. Growling he clenched his fists before calling for a bridge. Holding his servo out to you, he gestured for you to follow him. You smiled and took his service just as voices sounded from behind you.


That was all you heard as the portal closed behind you. Collapsing against your godfather's frame, you cried. The Warlord gently hugged you and soothed you. Eventually you got up and Megatron lead you to the main area, where the rest of the Cons we're waiting.

"So you got her back then?" Asked the one called Breakdown. You guessed that your godfather was planning to try and get you to join the Cons for a while now.

" Hello Y/N.." the recordings on multiple voices sounded from Soudwave as he stepped forward to shake your servo. You nodded your greeting in return, remembering how the Cons had never tried to hurt you.

" I will show her to her room." A voice said as a servo gripped yours and you were dragged away. Laughing, you followed the cherry colored bot who had pulled you away from the others. He pulled you along a hallway and eventually into a room. He closed the door softly, as the voice of your amused godfather sounded outside. Turning to you, he gripped your lame servo as he stroked your faceplate.

"I have missed you Y/N. I missed our times back on Cybertron when we played together, when we learned what love was." He said, tears sparkling in his optics.

You blushed, and threw your arms around the frame of your best friend and love from so long ago. Back on Cybertron you had grown up with Knockout and you had been in love with him since you learned what love was. He had loved you too, but before the two of you could become sparkmates, the war started and you were thrown apart.

" I have missed you too Knocks." And you kissed him with all you had.

-----------------time skip mAh dudes---------

It had been a while since you had be taken in by the Cons. You had finally found a family that excepted you for who you were now, even if you had been injured and scarred. The Cons immediately accepted you, after all they would answer to your godfather if they didn't. But there was no need for threats, because they learned to love you in their own special ways.

One day as you went to check an Energon deposit with the rest of the Cons, you met the Autobots once again. They attacked immediately and you joined your family as they fought back. You spotted your father at the edge of the group and slowly made your way over to him. Seeing what you tried to do, Megatron flashed you a concerned glance but helped you move through the mess of bodies. Finally coming face to face with him, you spoke in a loud, angry voice.

" Hello Father." You spat. Ratchet gasped and moved to hug you.

"Y/N! We have come to-"

"Rescue me?? I'm afraid you are too late. I was rescued many months ago by my godfather. I have found my family and I will fight for them."

You said, kicking him away and transforming your upgraded servo into a shiny blade. Leaping at him,you began you fight. You had to admit, your elder was not someone to be messed with. But, you had been practicing and soon had him in a headlock with your blade at his neck cables.

"It is over Prime!" You called in a loud voice as the fighting stopped. The Autobots stared at you in shock as Megatron let out a loud laugh.

"Attagirl. Now Prime if you would, take your team and leave."

The large bot looked at you sadly as he nodded to his team, each with their own look of shock and regret.

You released your hold on the bot that was only family by Energon.

"Y/N....why?" He asked, looking back into your cold optics.

"Why?? WHY?!? Because I was being treated like scrap and I found bots who actually care. They are my family, more then you ever were. Now get out of here before my father kicks your aft." You hissed at him as he scrambled away.

The medic of Team Prime looked at you with a shocked, sorrowful expression as he followed his team through the portal. You were swept up in a hug by your love, as the Cons celebrated around you.

" I love you Y/N. They may not see you as you are, but I do. You are a strong, brilliant, beautiful, femme." Knockout said, as he twirled you twirled you around in his arms. You laughed as a you thought about what he had said.

You were happy with the Cons. Because they excepted you for the femme you are, not who you were.

Look out Autobots, cause here I come. You can't change the being I am. You just need to try and except that.

Because this is me.

Authors Note

YAY. I hope you liked the one shot. I hope it wasn't too trashy cause I have some many things I'm thinking about while I write this. It is the usual, tests suck, school sucks even more, people are difficult and when is Christmas??

Anyway I will update again I promise. Also, who is excited for the Star War's movie😁😁.


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