About Me!

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Howdy! My name is Layan Farooq. No, I am not from Texas but I am from Missouri. I know, I know. An unexpected place. Most stories are from New York, Chicago, LA and other places. Well,  I guess I am different and so you will understand what I mean in the mere future. 

I am fourteen years old and I am currently in 10th grade. I know, 10th grade and you are fourteen? Man you are a nerd! 

Actually I am so not a nerd. I just skipped second grade that's all. Nothing special. So what? You know I might have been a smarty pants when I was little but I have no clue who I am now. Oh, wait! I know who I am. I am a clumsy, messed up teen who just doesn't get anything right. I am just so messed up you would never believe it. My friends would disagree because they are just being nice. I know who I am.

Well, I think I do anyway.

I have two best friends, Samira Musa and Fatimah Mohamed. We were best friends since we were little. They are the best people you could ever think if. Well, that's what everyone says about their best friends. 

I live with my mom. My dad died in an accident two years ago and I ,well, I was heart-broken. I still feel like he is still with me even though in reality he isn't. I guess I just miss him so much. 

Well I guess that's all you need to know... WAIT!! I forgot, I have a little brother who is 12 years old. His name is Ibrahim. How could I forget? Oh yeah...because I am me. Of course! Why didn't I think of it. 

You see what I mean? I am CRAZY! 

So now that you know me. You could just judge me already. I guess my life is like a movie. I dunno I just think I was never meant to even have a life in the first place. I...I...UGH....I can't explain my life to you ok?

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