Jump in EVERYONE!!

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Layan's P.O.V:

"What are you guys doing here?" asked a familiar voice. I turned my head behind me to see Gray Jason. 

"We're just star gazing. Nothing more, nothing less." Fatimah informed. He smiled and walked forward. "May I?" he asked at a spot. We all nodded in agreement as he sat down. I immediately looked back to the sky which was mostly covered up in puffy gray clouds. The moon crescent was half covered by the clouds. 

Samira pulled out her phone. "Hey guys why not make some memories, ya know. Like just take videos of us being crazy." Our face all brighten up at the idea. "Yeah! Great Idea!" I practically jumped on her. Fatimah was behind the scenes taking a video of the moment.

"Hey Gray could you take videos of us? If you don't mind." I asked. He nodded so I handed him my camera. So we wasted an hour and a half- eternity as I would like to call it- taking videos and pictures. Gray was part of some of them of course. I also took a video of his taking a picture of Samira and Fatimah.


I looked at the time on my phone to be informed it was 1:00AM. I looked up at the rest. "We gotta go it's getting late." I interrupted their small talk that was going on. They all looked at me with a nod. We grabbed our stuff and started to fold it. 

When we were ready we said goodbye to Gray when he left earlier. We started laughing and walked to our cabin. We passed the trees and the boys' cabin appeared in front of us. It was dark but we could hear some snores for those whose rooms were near us, plus their windows were windows. 

We passed it and reached the girls' cabin. We went through the back door and straight to our rooms. When we arrived at our destination, I flopped on my bed tired. "Today was fun, huh?" Samirah added. I nodded and fell asleep. 

The next day

We woke up once we heard the first bird's song at dawn. We then prayed and then went to the living room of the cabin. We ate breakfast and helped the teachers in charge of that facility. I called my mom telling her I was fine. 

Samira P.O.V: 

Hours later

It was time to go on a boat for half an hour. Less students participated in it so that had many room on the boat to relax. We saw Yusuf and Imran on the boat as well. We greeted them and started small talk. When the boat stopped in the middle of the of the lake, the teachers were telling us to sink in the beautiful scenery. 

I walked to one of the teachers and asked silently, "If we jumped in would we get in trouble?" My teacher shook her head and smiled. "You're young. Have fun!" I smiled back and grabbed both Layan and Fatimah's wrists. I stopped at the edge of the boat. I looked back at them and smiled evilly. They got the idea but we a second too late. I pushed the both of them in. Layan learned how to swim once that incident happened so she was fine. Fatimah is also a great swimmer as well. 

Everyone gasped in fear and shock and Yusuf was the first one to stand up. "HEY! WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM!!" we heard Layan shout. Everyone ran to see them and a sigh of relief swept through them. My turn.

"CANNONBALL!!!" I yelled as I jumped in. A huge splash. Many kids got the idea and they all jumped in. It was fun until our teacher said it was time to leave.  "Samira how are we going to get back up?!" Fatimah scolded. 

"I hadn't thought about it." I mumbled.

"YOU WHAT?!" Just then there was a ladder we had to carry and so we made it back safely. A sigh of relief swept through me but the experience was great.

We ended up finishing our trip with another campfire but we made many memories. We left the next day yesterday just a memory.

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