Let's Go Shopping!!

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Layan's POV:

This camping field trip sure would be weird. Looking back, the last trip we had a few months ago was kind of weird. The incident and the pool sure was something, I can't argue with that. Camping sure sounds fun, though. I had never been camping because my mom would always refuse and worry for my safety. Honestly, I didn't expect her to be ok with it this year after the pool incident. She sure is unpredictable. 

"Please, can I go? Just this once? I'm begging you. Everyone got to go and I was left behind." I pleaded.  Mom sighed and closed her eyes in annoyance. I knew I was disturbing but I really wanted to go more than ever.  I don't know why but I am even more excited this year!

"Layan, you know what happened last trip.  What if that same girl does something to you? What if you die? What if you get hurt that it will affect your whole life?! I can' go through that again! Layan, listen to me!" she begged.

"Mom, I know what you mean. You care a lot about me. There is a whole world out there waiting for me to see it. Do you really think staying home is going to help?" I asked. 

"You can see it through the internet!" she snapped. 

"Internet? Why do you think Allah gave me this chance? He gave it to me so that I can explore His miracles in this world. I want to see them with my own two eyes. Let me go, please. I promise I will take extra care of myself and that I won't be alone anywhere I go, alright?" I insisted placing a hand on her shoulder. 

"Fine, I guess I can't say no to an answer like that. You can go." she sighed. 

"Really!! Thanks!! I love you so much!!!" I jumped. 

"Oh, really? You were about to slaughter me but now that I agreed you love me? Kids these days!" she joked. "Be real!" I smiled. I hugged her tightly and ran up to my room. 

I quickly grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed Fatimah's number on speed dial. I added Samira's as well. 

"Salaams girlies!!" I shrieked when they finally picked up. 

"Salaams kiddo! Wassup!" Fatimah exclaimed. 

"Yeah, what's cracking?" Samira joined.

"Guess who's going camping this year?!" I sang. 

"REALLY?!" they shouted in unison. 

"So we are so going together!! Be careful world, our squad is coming for ya!!" Samira cheered.

"This is awesome!! We don't have to waste time telling you about what happened!!" Fatimah sang.

"Gee, thanks," I replied sarcastically.

"Oh, wait! I just forgot! Layan is going this year probably because of a special someone!" Samira snickered. Even through the phone I can still tell that she had a big smile on her face. 

"NO I'M NOT!! SHUT IT!!" I warned. They chuckled a bit. 

"Ok, so now that you are coming, we need to go shopping together! What about going shopping this weekend?" Fatimah suggested. I nodded until I remembered they can't see me. "Sure, inshAllah! See you tomorrow! Salaams!!" I agreed. They bid their goodbyes and hung up the phone. 

"Well, that's done." I sighed. I threw my phone on my bed before opening my closet. I didn't know what I was doing since I had no idea what to do. Randomly opening my closet seemed like a good idea to waste about thirty seconds of my life. 

Just as I was about to close the door, my phone started to ring. 

Who is it?

I picked it up only to see it was a call from Yusuf. What does he want? Not that I want to be rude but it's almost Maghreb and he rarely calls me. 

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