Lazy Sunday

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Samira's POV:

I was way too busy editing the videos and photos we had the night. Luckily, someone managed to take a video of when we jumped out of the boat and so I got it as well. I am a really great pro at editing videos and stuff and mostly doing virtual things but I never show my inner geek to the world. I just see my self as your ordinary typical high school girl. 

I wore my hipster glasses and sat on my chair. I rolled myself closer to my desk and turned on my iMac. I plugged my phone into the desktop making it save the videos and pictures. I then opened up Final Cut Pro X then started getting to work. 

I started by deciding how my outline would be. I remembered that I had pictures from the bus ride of Yusuf and Imran- some clips of everyone sleeping except for some students (including me, I mean who would sleep when you could be filming half of the school falling a asleep). 

I decided to make it a happy outline with flowers and a happy background soundtrack. As I was editing, hours passed and I looked at my phone when it felt like ages. "3:16 A.M.?!" I yelled. Yes, I did edit at night, I mean I was so bored so I decided to edit. Whenever I am bored, I always find things to edit or learn new edit tricks. You can call me an edit freak, but I love what I do. 

"Just one more hour." I said to myself. 


Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. 

I felt the surface under my head vibrate. I woke up to see my alarm go off next to me. I realized what had happened and that I fell asleep on my table. I don't really remember what happened and how I fell asleep but I do remember editing. When I looked at my screen, I managed to save my project as, 'BEST FIELD TRIP EVER.' I hadn't finished but it was off to a great start. I looked at my phone to see it was 7:55 A.M. "My alarm was going off for two hours?" I sheepishly commented. 

I got up and went to my personal bathroom and got myself ready for the day. I prayed Fajr and went downstairs to the kitchen. "It's Sunday. I forgot. No one wakes up at all." Well except for Fajr. 

I walked to the fridge and removed my favorite mango flavored juice and filled a huge bottle. I then went to my room so I could finish editing. I grabbed my  phone out of boredom and texted Fatimah. She didn't reply back since I knew she was asleep as well. I sighed and went back to editing. 

After hours of editing, I managed to finish and make my masterpiece. I ended up making two videos one was for the night we snuck out and the other for the rest of the trip. I turned and stared at my bed debating whether or not to sleep or not. I decided to go to lazy mode and so I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bag of popcorn. 

I threw it in the microwave and waited for it to be done. When it was finally over, I opened the bag, getting burnt by the steam constantly, pouring it in a huge bowl. I then grabbed a soda from the fridge and headed to the living room. 

Luckily, there was no one there so I had the place to myself. I turned on the tv and decided to go on Netflix. I then started to watch movies for about three hours. 


When I was done with my third movie, I looked at the clock and freaked out. It was past 8:00P.M. "Man, if my mom found out I am so DEAD!!" I then got up and started to clean up the mess I made with popcorn. If you're wondering how do people even make a mess with popcorn while watching a movie at home, to be honest, I don't know either but what matters is getting it cleaned. 

I went for the vacuum and tidied the place. I prayed Maghrib later on. My parents went out on some important thing so they wouldn't be back soon. Being an only child doesn't suck sometimes. I then decided to order pizza and continued watching movies. 

When the pizza finally arrived I had a brilliant idea. "Why don't we have a sleepover since I'm freaking bored at this point?" I texted the two girls to see if they're up for it. 

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