First Day For A Sophomore!

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"AAHHH!!!!" I groaned when my alarm went off. I didn't sleep that much and I felt like I was going to turn into HULK and smash my room in order to kill my clock. I got up and got ready for my boring day. Well today is kind of "special" since it's the first day of school. 

I wore an abaya as usual since it was my favorite clothing. I wore a red scarf since I was mad at my alarm clock and red means anger right? Ugh, I am so weird.


I went downstairs and my mom was already up. 

"Good morning Layan. How was last night?" Mom said. 

"Great. I guess. Nothing special." I replied. 

"Here you go." she said handing me a plate with waffles and syrup. My favorite. I ate it and took my phone which was buzzed with a new text. It was my besties' group chat. 

"Gotta go! Samira is outside waiting for me. Love ya." I told Mom.

She nodded and I went outside. I was so happy and I hopped on Salma's car, Fatimah's older sister. She is a senior and she drives us to school since we go to the same school. 

"AHHHHH!" we both screamed when we saw each other. I know we saw each other last night on FaceTime but we are crazy and so yeah, that was our moment.

BFF moments!

After a lot of screaming and hugging we settled in. I was really happy. I said hello to Salma and she nodded back. Salma was always the quiet one. She barely speak and I don't even think she does. 

"Fatimah couldn't make it today but she told me to pick you up anyway." she spoke.

"The driver speaks. Why don't you ever say anything?" I said. 

"Ha Ha. Very funny. I just am bored." she replied.

I got confused but shrugged. I took out a piece of paper and asked Samira to pull out hers. We have compared our schedules millions of times but I just had to make sure for the last time. 

Turns out we have Chemistry and Language Arts together. I was so sad to know that we will only be together for three periods, chemistry, language arts and lunch, of course.

My school's name is Mason High. It is a really big school. When I say big, I mean it's enormous. I can't even explain it. It's huge! I still have no clue how no one gets lost.

We finally reached our destination while I was being a complaining brat since I didn't want to go to school knowing I won't see Samira for long. "It'll be fine. Layz, you will be ok. It's just high school. What bad could happen?"


"Stop being a cry baby and let's go."

We nervously went to the front door and took in a deep breath. We then walked in and went to our lockers which was luckily, next to each other. I opened mine and placed my bag inside. When I took out my geometry text books I closed my locker. Samira already left to her class since she loved going first and she said her good-byes. 

When I closed my locker I slammed it and walked backwards a bit and bumped into something or someone. When I turned around I saw a boy who looked lost. I jerked and was shocked. I never had physical contact with a non mahram like that before since it was so unexpected so I guess I was shivering under my abaya. 

"Sorry." he said. 

I looked up and looked straight to his big green dreamy eyes. Wait, what am I saying!! Who knows, he may not even be Muslim, we are in a public school so...

"No, it's fine. Are you lost?"

"Yeah, first days. My name is Yusuf Mahmud."

Whew, he's Muslim. Why should I care? Ugh!!!! Focus!!

"My name is Layan Farooq. Where are you supposed to go?" 

"I am in 10th grade and I have to be in geometry class. I just don't know--"

"Oh, I am there, too. I could walk you there if you like."

"Sure! I would love that." he smiled. I don't know why but I kind of felt good when he smiled. Why am I feeling this? Ugh. I don't even know him. So I walked him to class. Every step was like a dream. I think it's just that he's good-looking and I am just going crazy. People like each other because they know each other. I have no idea who he is so I guess it's something normal and I will get over it.

 And that's how my day began temporarily crushing on a boy I don't know. Why am I saying this?

UGH I will get over it.

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