The World Is Cruel

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Layan's POV

Summer is about to come. Yes, I said summer time is near and we all know what that means. Yes, the end of the story but also exams. Exams are the worst thing that could possibly happen to anyone that is attending school, unless if you are a genius than I guess you wouldn't be sharing this pain with me.

If you are probably wondering about the guy incident that happened before well that was ages ago now. He's in jail, I'm all healed up. No worries. What I am worried about now is EXAMS. 

What am I doing right now, you ask? 

Well, what any stressed out student would do?

I'm out for fresh air after studying like a maniac in there. I was gonna die if I never left the place-like for real. I head out to my backyard and breathe in the freshness that I will soon miss the second I step back inside my house. 

My besties are upstairs in my room, of course, studying their butts off till the end. I go back to the kitchen and grab some sodas for us all to cool off. I slowly drag myself back upstairs because, c'mon, no one in their right minds would walk up the stairs like a normal person. No, you gotta drag your feet and lean on the rail like your life depends on it. 

After that dramatic scene, I barged into my room with the drinks. Samira and Fatimah look at me, their eyes begging for it. I tossed it to each of their directions and threw my body on my bed. I sighed heavily and glared at my notes, textbooks and laptop. "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! I'VE HAD ENOUGH!" I yelled. "How am I supposed to study? I mean it's not like anything is even going through my head in the first place! I think I need a nap! Yeah, what I need is a nap to calm my head!" I suggested to myself. 

"You're stupid! That's what you said last year and the year before that! You woke up in the middle of the night and then you just went back to sleep afterwards. You never really studied after that until the day before the exams actually came in." Samira sighed.

"Oh c'mon. Cut me some slack! I ended up getting a good grade. No one cares what I did. The only thing that matters is me passing, right?" I said back while getting myself under my blanket. "So don't worry about me. I'm fine." I yawned. 

"You know what? I'm joining her. I actually need a break and I need to ease my mind. So I am gonna take a nap as well." Fatimah agreed. 

"Ya see. Common sense my friend. It's common sense." I said closing my eyes. A huge smile was plastered on my face. "Fatimah you can sleep with me if you want. My bed is big enough." I felt the weight on my bed shift a little and someone getting under the covers. 

I heard a huge sigh from Samira who then said something but I couldn't hear because I was fast asleep.

Samira's POV

I can't believe these people and I call them my friends. Well they sure do know how to entertain though. 

I continued to do some more studying until I actually needed a break. I shut my binder filled with notes and went out of her room, down the stairs, and to the outside world. I started to walk to the convenient store that was near by Layan's place. 

I greeted the cashier, when I got there. He was a tall man with broad shoulders. He had a mustache but no beard. Oh, and he was bald, too. He greeted back with a wave and a smile and went back to his work. I moved myself to the second aisle and started looking for something good to eat. My belly was sure hungry and I needed something fast. I ended up buying some chips and soda. 

When I was walking back I saw something that caught my eye. Was that? And is that a girl with him?

"Yusuf?!" I screamed. He turned around as fast as he could to see who was calling him. It is Yusuf. 

"Hey!" He waved back. The girl with him had blonde hair and blue eyes. She looked at me with disgust and jealousy in her eyes. She then locked her arms with his and then said, "Hey babe could you please get me some ice cream?" 

I was shocked at the sudden statement that I ran past him. 

"Wait. Samira! It's not what it looks like!" But I didn't want to hear it. I didn't want to hear any of it. 

When I reached Layan's room. I looked at Layan sleeping for a long time saying one thing. " Why is this world so cruel?" 

Yusuf's POV

I was so shocked when that Kristin girl called me her 'babe' and when she wrapped her arms around mine. I barely knew her. We just shared Language Arts class. She was just passing by when I was walking back home so I stopped and we just had small talk about school.

When I saw how mad and shocked Samira was, honestly, I was as shocked as she was. It was totally unexpected. I couldn't fix this when she stormed off. 

I turned to Kristin and shook her off. "What the hell?" I muttered.

"Sorry I just wanted alone time and she was ruining it."

I turned to Samira. "Wait. Samira! It's not what it looks like!" It was already too late because she had already made a turn. I wanted to go after her but first I have to deal with a problem right in front of me. Kristin.

"Why would you do that?" 


"Leave me alone! I don't even know you! Could you please stop invading my personal space!" I blurted out. I wanted to apologize when I realized what I said but I decided it was best if I just left it that way. 

I turned around and walked straight home since I knew that Samira was long gone. 

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