What's wrong with Samira?

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Samira's POV:

"Yusuf. Imran. What's up?" I shrieked.

"Oh, hey Samira. We are here for camp shopping. Looks like you have a load of your own. Did you come alone?" Imran asked. I shook my head pointing to Layan and Fatimah. They stared at them for a long time. "Can I sit down guys?" I smiled.

"S-sure." Yusuf agreed. I smiled and sat opposite from them. I placed the bags behind me placing the food on the table. "They should be here, don't worry." I told them. Once I said that, they started to blush. 

"By the way, are you guys here for camping?" Imran asked. I nodded taking a bite off my pizza. Cheese strings were dangling from the bite I had. 

"Are you guys still shopping, or are you done?" I asked.

"We're still shopping." Yusuf smiled. I looked behind him to see Layan and Fatimah looking around for me. I stood up and started waving my arm like a madman. They noticed me and started heading my way. Imran and Yusuf turned around to see what I was doing. The second they saw each other, they're cheeks were red. It was so cute, I had to resist the urge of pinch their cheeks.

"Yusuf? What are you- Uh. I er - I mean. Salaams." Layan stammered when she saw Yusuf and Imran. 

"Waleykum salam guys!" Imran waved. 

Fatimah blushed but managed to smile back. They awkwardly sat next to me. They placed their food on the table. Layan had a wrap while Fatimah had a salad. She said she was on a 'diet' but give me a break. That girl is eating everything. She might have seen Imran before she came but who am I to judge her? 😏

We all started eating and had a small talk. I felt a touch on my shoulder and jerked. I turned to see...

"Gray?!" I jerked. I didn't want to be rude but you should cut me some slack. He did touch me.

"Hey, Samirah. Good thing you didn't forget my name." he smiled. 

"Who are you?" Fatimah asked.

"I've seen you in first period." Yusuf said.

"Yeah, we go to gym class together. We were partners in an assignments once. Hey, Gray. How's things." I greeted.

"Oh, I'm cool. I came with my baby sis for shopping. I just saw you and wanted to say hi."

"Oh. How...nice."

"Alright. See ya Samira around. Bye." he waved his hand walking away. 

"See ya." I smiled and waved back while he disappeared through the crowd. I turned to see a confused group waiting for answers. To be honest. I needed answers as well. 

"Hey, how come I never saw him before?" Fatimah asked.

"Probably because you such a lonely loner." I joked. She glared but shook it off.

"Wait! Did you say Gray? Like Gray Jason?" I nodded in approval. 

"Really. He really does look better than back then. He really was a pain to us back then. What made him change?" Layan pointed out.

"He changed his whole look. From some badass guy, to a simple nice guy. That's weird. He was really mean. Remember how he almost killed me." Fatimah reminded.

"Well, I guess he had a change of heart." I shrugged.

"He disappeared two years ago, or was it that I didn't recognize him." Layan thought.

"What was all that about?" Imran asked trying to process things.

"I don't know."

"I know! Someone's in love!" Layan joked wrapping her arm around her shoulder. 

"No I am not!!" I confessed. 

They all started laughing as my face got really hot. Not out of embarrassment but out of anger. He was a non-Muslim. How can I even like him. We weren't even friends. We were just mere classmates. 

"Whatever." I shook it off. I picked up my bags and left. 

"Samira! Where are you going?!" Fatimah yelled.


What's wrong with me? Did I have to be so dramatic? It was just a joke. I'm so stupid! 

Layan's POV:

"I'm gonna go after her. I feel bad." 

I was confused. Why did she over-react? 

"She wants to be alone. You know how you get when you try to make her better. Samira is an independent girl. She can handle it. Don't worry. She'll come back with a smile." Fatimah pointed out. She grabbed my hand right before I left.

"Your'e right."

"I'm always right you know." she smiled. 

I don't get what's wrong with her?

The guys managed to finish their food first. "We will be leaving! Salaams." Imran waved when they got up. I waved back at them avoiding eye contact with Yusuf. If I look directly at him, I feel awkward. 

"Waleykum Salam." we said in unison.

They went off leaving us two alone. "Should we wait for Samira?" I asked.

"Yeah. We so don't want to get lost here." Fatimah pointed out.


I'm sorry Samira.

I picked up my phone going to my WhatsApp chats page. I clicked on Samira's private chat. I glanced at her name seeing that she was last seen two hours ago. I brought all the courage I had and texted.

Samira, I am so sorry for what happened. If you want to talk about it, I'll be happy to. If not, just come back.

I waited for a while but she did text me back.

I'm sorry I over-reacted. I didn't know what's wrong with me. I'll be coming in a sec.

A sigh of relief swept through me. I have to agree, she did over-react. But we all have our own reasons, right? After a few minutes, Samira showed up. She had a gigantic smile on her face which meant something happened when she was away. 

"Sorry guys, I over-reacted. I-uh. I wanted to give you time with your guys. Yeah, I knew that if you guys wanted to have time alone, little me needs to get her butt outta there." she smiled. I had a feeling that she was lying but I shrugged. We all started laughing as she sat opposite from us. 


"Shopping is a real pain!" I sighed when we finally reached the car. 

"Agreed." Samira replied. We placed the bags at the trunk if the car. I hoped on the front passenger seat. When everyone was settled in, we drove off and in an instant I fell asleep. 

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