Mess With Her Friends, You're Dead Meat!

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Layan's POV

As Samira stated earlier, I did wake up in the middle of the night. Fatimah and Samira were nowhere in sight. I reached for my phone on the my drawer and looked at the time. It was 11:45 PM.

"I FORGOT TO PRAY MAGHRIB AND ISHA!" I yelled while whispering to myself. I ran to the bathroom across the my room and made wudhu. After doing that, I prayed the two prayers that i missed earlier. When I was done, I sighed in relief because it could have gone worse. 

I remembered seeing a lot of notifications on my phone but didn't pay attention at first since my goal was looking at the time. I had many missed calls and text messages from Samira? I wonder what her problem was. 

Most of the text said:



You awake?


Call me when you wake up, ok?

But one of them caught my attention. It said:

We need to talk and it's serious!

I sighed knowing that whatever she had in store for me might not be pretty but I guess it won't be that bad. 

I wonder what she wanted to talk about though. She isn't the type of person to just make any subject urgent and she doesn't talk that much or gossip either so I wonder what the issue is here.

I went downstairs, to the kitchen and opened the fridge. My favorite place in this house, was the fridge. It was filled with goodies and goodness that no one can explain. 

I grabbed a soda and closed the door. I then opened a cabinet and got some tic tac fruit flavored. it's my favorite candy of all times. It's just so heavenly if you ask me. I went up to my room and gobbled up my snacks and then fell back to sleep. 

Samira's POV

It was Monday and I was waiting by the school gate for Layan. She decided to go walking with that idiot Yusuf- 

Where's my manners?

I mean the most dreamiest boy in her life. Her "soulmate." The one person she will spend her life with.

Yeah, not happening under my watch. Whatever relations they have now will be tarnished because I care for my friend. I mean, my BEST FRIEND.

My train of thoughts was stopped when I saw Layan walking towards my direction with you know who. She had a smile plastered on her face which pained my heart. If she knew who he really was.

"Hey, Sam!" Layan said when she finally saw me. Yusuf looked at me with a frightened look. I glared back at him as if it would kill him. They came up to me and I wore a smile on my face. "Hey, guys!" I replied back. "So, Yusuf." I started.

He jumped back and looked at me terrified to death. "Y-yes?"

"I didn't see you for a long time. How are you buddy?" I flashed the most evilest smile I could. 

"Um... i-it was g-reat I guess. H-how was y-yours?" he stammered.

"It was great."

"C-can I talk to you for a second?" he asked looking at me. "Alone."

Yusuf's POV

Why the heck am I stammering so much I just need to explain to her what really happened. It seems she didn't tell anyone else through the way Layan was. She acted normal. I tried my best to gather all the courage I needed to tell her but her smile is just so scary I think I am going to die.

"C-can I talk to your for a second?" 

Yes, you can do it!


Please say yes! I'm begging you from the bottom of my heart!

"Sure. Why not?" she smiled normally this time. A sigh of relief swept through me as Layan nodded and left. 

"So about yesterday..."

"What about it?" she snapped.

Whoa, I guess you mess with her friends your dead meat.

When I told her everything it took her minutes to believe me but she finally did. "I'm glad that you told me sooner than later. Man, the things I was gonna do to you." she smirked.

"Do I wanna know?"

"No, it's best you don't."

"I'm glad we worked things out. See ya later!" I waved at her. I headed to my given area and school started. 

Man, what a burden lifted off my shoulders. 

Sorry that I haven't been updating frequently. I've been busy with some stuff but I assure you that I will finish this book soon. Yes folks, the end of the book is near and I hope you will like it.



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