My Future Husband

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"You WHAT??!!"she yelled.

She yelled so loud that the cafeteria became silent. Everyone stared at our table for roughly thirty seconds and they just went back to what they were doing.

"You don't have to yell. Yes, I bumped into a guy. And yes, he is Muslim. And yes he is cute. But don't worry, I don't like him." I replied. She studied my face just to make sure I wasn't lying. Well, I was glad that I wasn't lying and she just shrugged.

"So, how was--" she trailed off. She seemed to stare at something behind me. I thought it was like a prank or something so I didn't look behind me. "What?!"

When I looked at her she wasn't joking. So I turned around and saw Yusuf behind me. I was shocked, too. I didn't know what to say.

"Is this seat taken?" he asked pointing to the space net to me. I rose from my seat. "No, it isn't. Yusuf this is Samira. Samira, Yusuf. You can sit." I introduced.

He nervously sat and I think he started blushing which, ugh, made me blush. Samira just couldn't speak she didn't know who he was and she is probably thinking that he is really cute. The only reason why is because she is giving the same look she gave to Ibrahim, Malik, Sudais, and all her former crushes. Samira never stays with one guy. She's always liking this one then the other. Well, she doesn't like like boys but you know. The phase that people go through when they see a cute person. Exactly! That's what she is going through. That's what I went through this morning but I am so glad that it was over since I was secretly laughing at Samira and not feeling jealous like I was with Malik.

Long story short, we went through the same phase and then we argued then we laughed then we got over him. Pretty funny right?! I always loved that time. I know I know. We are not weird. We are SSSOOOO WEIRD!! No, not weird. That's not the right word. What's the right word for our situation (even though no words can define this). Oh, right. CRAZY. WE ARE SSSOOO CRAZY!!!!!!

"So, Yusuf. What brings you Summerville? I know you look like a California boy. I know my looks ya know." Samira said.

"How do you-"

"I told you. I know my looks." Samira smirked.

"I guess it's not a secret anymore. I don't want any attention just because of where I came from. You know what I mean?"he explained.

"Yeah I know. So how are you finding school? I saw you at third period today. Hey, you are that kid in the back right?" she continued.

He nodded and we just kept on speaking. "Hey, since we are done eating why don't we go to the musala and pray. The principal left a room for us Muslims to pray since we know our rights. Don't worry, there is a divider so that you can pray on the other side and we pray on our side." I said.

"There is a musala? Back at my place, I would just pray at a place no one would see. Man, this is so cool. Finally I could pray peacefully."he exclaimed.

"Let's go!"Samira said.


"So, how is he? I know you like him." I joked to Samira when we were making ablution. She blushed and elbowed me. "Hey, I do not. And besides, you know I would never like him because you like him. That would break girl code."

"Hey, I don't like him!!!!"

"So don't I so deal with it!!!"

We both started bursting in to laughter and started pushing each other. Mrs. Yahya came and we froze. She is our chemistry teacher. Yes, she is Muslim so that's why she is there. She is my favorite teacher.

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