Don't Worry Me

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"YOU WHAT?!" Samira whispered in Language Arts class the next day.

I nodded. She looked jealous. I knew she liked him but I didn't like him so I could just explain it to her. 

When class was over it was lunch time. When I was walking through the hallways I felt a huge tug on my arm and someone stopped me. When I turned around it was Alexandria. 

"Wait. What do you think you are doing doofus?" she yelled.

Ugh! Here we go again

"Let go of me," I demanded.  She started holding my arm tighter and tighter every second. It started to hurt.

"You can't tell me what to do," she smirked.

"Yeah and you can't touch me like that," I replied.

"I can pull or push whoever I want. I can squeeze or hurt anyone ok?" she replied.

"What do you want this time?" I asked.

"Ha ha ha, in a hurry?!"

By this time a crowd already developed. 

"Yeah, I have to meet up with a friend," I replied.

"And do what, kill him or her?" she said.

"It's a him but no, I don't want to."

Everyone started laughing. I started walking away then she started talking.

"Where are you going?" she demanded.

"Somewhere far away from you, of course." I replied.

"Oh no you don't! I just need to ask you one thing. Why are you a Muslim? Huh? Why do you believe on all those crap that you believe in? Why do you always kill people because they aren't Muslims?" she said.

"I am a Muslim because I chose to be and I love my religion. We are not believing in CRAP ok. Plus, we don't kill. We are forbidden too. Don't you have sinners in your religion?" I yelled back.

"We do but not that many because we are perfect." she replied flipping her hair.

"Exactly. Those killers you are talking about are sinners so back off!" I answered.

She pushed me so hard that my butt hurt. I didn't want to stand since it would hurt and everyone started laughing their heads off. Well, my besties wouldn't be there because they already were in the caferteria by now.


His name was all that I could think of that moment.


"Who are you to tell me what to do?" she demanded.

"Do as she says and back off!" I heard someone say.

Yusuf? What a coincidence.

It was Yusuf. I turned around and she glared at us. He stood infront of me and face to face with Alexandria. 

"Can you leave her alone! Go and pick on someone your own size!" he yelled.

At this point the crowd was less. I guess people just wanted to go eat. She stormed off madly with her friend left. 

He turned around and I was still on the floor. 

"Are you ok?" he asked. 

He reached out for my hand and I accepted. He helped me up and I was so relieved no one was here watching us. 

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