What Is Wrong With Me?

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"Man, I can't wait to hear what will happen on part 2. This should be a show. I love this so much. Watching you get embarrased is so good," Fatimah smirked.

"It was all normal till you guys showed up. We wanted to rest because we did a quater of the school and I was tired of walking." I defended myself.

"Don't worry, with all the things that you went through yesterday. We won't interefere. Promise." Samira said as she crossed her heart.

That's a relief. I hope he didn't think I was stupid or something. He could have went home and say,"Man, I met this dumb girl and she hit me. Like who does she think she is?" 

Or he could have said something like that. While I was burried in thoughts, Salma parked her car on the school parking lot. 

"Are you just going to sit there?" Salma said to me. 

"Oh, I was thinking about something." I said.

"Yeah, thinking about the tour." Samira said.

"SHUT UP!" I yelled.


"Sorry if things were weird yesterday. I didn't mean any of that and you know how besties can get when they want to embarass you." I said to Yusuf at lunch. We were at the gymnasium since that's where we left off.

"It's fine. No worries." he bragged.

"Are you sure. I hit you. C'mon, you don't even a slight hatred for me?" I blurted out. I then covered my mouth realizing what I just said.

"I'm sorry you don't have to answer that."

Me and my stupid mouth.

"No, it's fine. And no, I don't. I think we could be very good friends."

"Thanks. Man, I could hug you right now!" I blurted out and covered my mouth again.

"I'm sorry. Me and my stupid mouth. Just ignore me, ok? I am so sorry. I'm so weird right? You are probably thinking why on earth are you wasting your time with a girl like me." I said in a low voice.

"It's fine. You are not a weirdo. If anyone is a weirdo it's gotta be me. I am the biggiest weirdo there is. And no, I have no such thoughts." he said and he flashed that cute smile of his.

What am I saying?!

"Shall we continue?" I said.

"Wait... I have a question." he said.

"Yeah?" I said. I looked at him and he looked away. He looked shy all of a sudden. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing... It's ..just that .....I wanted to know if I could have your number. If that's ok with you." he murmured.

"Sure. No probs. After all, we are friends, right?!" I said with a smile.

"Right!" he answered.

So we exchanged our numbers and started the tour. By the time we reached the musala we had covered half of the school already but we only had 10 minutes before the bell rings.

"So I guess we will stop here and continue tomorrow ok?" I asked.

He nodded and gave me the same smile. 

He looks so adorable!


But it's true!


C'mon, he's so cute.


Fine geez.


But it's true!


He stared at me and asked,"Is something wrong?"

"Huh? Umm.... no. It's fine. We can go in now." I said.

Yusuf's POV:

Yesterday was so unexpected. I asked Layan for a tour and it ended up in a shocking surprise. Not a bad shocking a good and weird shocking. I guess she has the bestest friends you could ever find (if that makes any sense).

Turns out she has two best friends, Fatimah and Samira. 

"Are we interrupting you two love birds?" rang in my head all night last night. I knew that it meant nothing but I couldn't shake it off. 

"I know you are Yusuf because Layz here couldn't stop blabbing about you." also rang in my head.

I was so confused. I really wanted to know what she said about me. What if she said something bad? What if she hates me? What if she thinks I am a waste of her time? I couldn't stop thinking about it. I really wanted to know but the fact that she hit my chest, I knew that she would be embarassed and it was none of my buisness. 

What if she said something good about me? I mean Fatima did say Love Birds, am I right?

I could still feel her hand on my chest even though it's been hours since she hit me. She didn't hit me hard but for a girl she does hit pretty good. 

I liked her smile when we were alone in the gymnasium. 

What am I saying?

Her blue sparkling eyes.

Shut It!

What's wrong with me? I like her but as a friend. I think it's just I hadn't had a girl hit me before. The embaraasement on her eyes made my heart melt.

WHAT AM I SAYING???!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I am going NUTS!! 

If I go to sleep I will forget all about it and move on.


Today's tour was great but we haven't covered the school yet. We already did half but since we only had 30 minutes, it wasn't enough. I managed to have her number and I saved it as Layz. She didn't mind she was the one who gave me the idea.

Oh man! We forgot to ask her for a a third tour. 

When I came out of the musala, she came out at the same time. I almost forgot to ask her about another tour.

"Well, should we a part 3 tour tomorrow," she said when we saw each other.

"Sounds like your read my mind. Sure. I don't mind. Besides it was fun." I answered.

She smiled with that gorgeous smile again. 


"We should meet here tomorrow and pray early so that it would be easier, ok?" she said.

"Sure, no biggie." I replied. I smiled back.

"Since we are going to Literature together why don't we walk together?" she suggested.

"Sure, let's go." I replied.

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