If The Rumors Are True

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Yusuf's POV:

This was Imran's day. It was his day to shine. He's been telling me that he had been working his butt off all last week on this tournament and his coach had been pushing him as well. I'm glad I didn't join the basketball team. I would have been a huge wreck. 

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" I heard Imran ask me while I was in my locker grabbing my geometry books. "Yeah, I'm listening!" I answered. I looked at him and he was a huge mess. 

"Woah! What happened? You shouldn't feel gloomy! It's your day!" I exclaimed. He looked at me with eyes filled with worry and fear. I have never seen Imran like this in my life. It kind of was terrifying. 

"What happened? You can tell me bro." I insisted.

"I can't play today. I just can't do it! I don't feel like myself lately and so I'm going to tell Coach I'm sick. I just wanted to let you know." he informed.

"Wait what?! You're not going too play?! You're kidding right?!" I looked at him. "You're not kidding?! Bro, what's wrong?! You can tell me." I insisted. 

He looked at me. I thought he was looking through my soul because it was kind of creeping me out. "I just can't do it because I like someone and I'm scared I might screw up. I just can't do it because whenever I know she's around I'm a nervous wreck." he explained.

"Do I know this girl?" I asked. He looked at me and nodded. "Who is she?" I interrogatted. It took him a while to open his mouth. "Her name is Fatimah." 

My eyes grew wide when he said he name. It was so unexpected. Fatimah? He liked Fatimah? Out of all people? I just don't get it. I mean she is sweet and kind but he barely even knows her. I guess life can be weird.

Imran's POV: 

"Come on say something. Don't leave me hanging!" I pleaded.

"It's just unexpected. All I can say is, you loovveee her! How about a taste of your own medicine?" he teased. "But seriously, it's cool. If you don't have bad intentions, then it will go alright. If you want her to be your girlfriend then we are going to part ways. You got that?" he informed.

"Why would I want a girlfriend that haram!" It was so unexpected of him to think I would want a girlfriend. I guess he means I better watch out for my intentions. I don't have any bad intentions to do with her. It's just that I can't keep my mind off of her. 

"Yeah, but I'm still not going to the tournament." I added.

"C'mon. You have to." he insisted.

"I'm just in the mood." I smiled. 

He headed to geometry class while I went to Language Arts.  I was glad that was finally over. Two weeks had passed when questions haunted my mind. I couldn't tell Riven, Jelal or Abdullah about it because they would just mess with my head. I could trust Yusuf since he was my pal and he would never go against me. After all, he was suffering from a similar problem, right? I see the way he is when he's around Layan. Even though he denies it, it's true. I guess my life's story will be interesting after all.

Layan's POV:

Today was the day Fatimah kept on blabbing about. Imran's tournament. Rumor has it, Imran might bail because he's not feeling well. I have a feeling there's something more to it because when I passed him in the hallways during second period, he looked normal. I shrugged and carried on with my life. If Fatimah found out, she might get sad. It's just a rumor. It might not be true. I hope it's not true, though.

When it was lunch break, I went to my table waiting to see what y besties have to complain about this time. "So, I heard that Imran might not play this tournament." I heard Samira explain to Fatimah.

"Assalamu aleikum! I heard that, too!" I exclaimed.

"Waleykum salam. You have to be joking! I hope he's ok." Fatimah worriedly reacts. "Hey, where's Yusuf?" I asked.

"Oh, your boyfriend? No clue!" Samira teased. I could feel my ears boil. She know that I get mad at things like those! Why was she messing with me?!

"He's not my boyfriend!" I hissed smacking her shoulder. "That's what you get!"

"Ow! I was just joking." she cried.

"Whatever. By the way, are we staying after school for the match?" Fatimah asked. I nodded but Samira shook her head. We both stared at her. "I have to babysit my lil' bro. Not my fault!" she snapped. We shrugged and got back to finishing our food.

Samira's POV:

Seeing the reaction on Layan's face was priceless! I mean her and Yusuf were destined to be together, right? I guess it's just destiny or something. 

Being third wheel or fifth wheel isn't bad at all. Most people would kill not to be one of them but if you look on the bright side, you get to see things that their blind to see. I feel independent. Best of all, you can ruin things and make it more dramatic. I feel like I'm in the safe zone and it feels awesome.

There's just one disadvantage. The fact that they are just so freaking BLIND! Oh c'mon! I feel like smacking them so hard whenever they can't see things the way they are. They think it's a friendly gesture or something. No it's not! The person clearly likes you and you like them back! Even a fool would know that! It just pisses me off! 

But then again, without them, I wouldn't get no drama in life. It's so funny to watch. They can be fools sometimes whenever they have no clue what is going on, but they are good entertainment. I can put that out. 

Fatimah's POV:

What do they mean that Imran isn't playing? He has to or I don't think the team is the same without him. I just didn't get it! If the rumors were true, then I'm not going to the tournament. I will just check to see if he's there. If not, I'm going home and it's final.

The bell to go home rang and I went to the gymnaisum as quick as I could. It was packed with people from the rival school. I guess we were against Summerville High. They are tough but I have confidence that we will beat them if Imran's on their team.

I looked all over the place but no sign of him. I looked at the benches where the players sat but no sign of him. I saw all of his teammates and Coach Bill. They were warming up since the game doesn't start until after half an hour. 

I just didn't get it. Why didn't he come? I hope he isn't sick at all. If he was, I hope it wasn't severe. I just didn't know how to react.

"FATIMAH!!!" I heard someone shout. I turned around and it was Layan. I went to where she sat. 

"What's with the long face?" she asked. I looked at her. "I don't feel like going. I don't feel well. My head hurts."

"I'll come with you." she insisted. I nodded and together we walked out of the school building. While we were  on the hallway, we say Yusuf heading the opposite direction. "Hey!" Layan greeted.

He waved back and smiled. "You guys aren't going?" he asked noticing where we were going. I nodded and he smiled. "Ok, I'll let you know about the game. See ya!" with that he walked away. 

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