Both Hurt

73 11 14

Yusuf's POV:

It's been two days after what had happened and Layan was still resting. They rushed her to a local hosptial and turns out she had a drug which was a really long word. I can't remember it but she had to rest for a while. 

While she was at home, Fatimah, Samira and I were trying to figure out who this. News had already reached the whole school and I guess whoever did it is hiding. I was so mad and I didn't know what I would do just to find that person.


"Wanna buy some flowers?" Samira asked me.


"Yeah, silly we are going to Layz's place. Wanna come?"she smiled.

I nodded and Fatimah joined us to buy some flowers at the boutique near school. We bought white roses and wrote all our names in a card.

I had never been to her house before. I guesswe just knew each other for three weeks. I guess I was worthy enough to go. I guess.... 


"Salam aleykum," Samira said to a lady. I think she was Layan's mom.

"Waleykum salam guys. This is the Yusuf that helped my daughter?" I nodded and she smiled.

"Jazakallah, I don't think I would be here if you did nothing."

"Wa iyaaki."

"Let's go upstairs to her room. C'mon," I heard Fatima say.

So the three of us went to her room. When I walked in it was beautiful. Her walls were painted light blue. I don't know why but it made me feel welcomed. She had a wooden desk at one corner and she had a circular rug in the middle of her room. Her bed was at the corner next to her wall. She also had a white been beag chair. You know those comfy ones. 

 Layan was on her bed. Her hair was half covered so I looked away. I noticed that she had dark black hair. It looked pretty even though it wasn't her whole head. I immediately looked away.


Samira saw me and realized so she covered her hair for me.

"Layan, Layz...honey..wake up." Fatimah said sweetly.

"Huh? Ok just give me a few minutes I will..." she dozed back to sleep. She looked cute. I smiled.

"Layz, c'mon..."

"Ok...I will...Get...up." 

"Watch this Yusuf," Samirah smirked.

"LAYZ GET UP!!!!" she shouted in her ear.

"AAHHH!!! YOU SCARED THE HELL OUTTA ME!!!!! I'M UP! I'M UP!! OH HEY YUSUF!!! YUSUF?!?!?!" she said then she looked at me. She looked funny. I wanted to laugh but it would just be weird.

"Salaams," I said with a smile.

"What are you doing here? I mean I am just shocked," she replied.

"Here we got you these," I said handing her the flowers. She smelled them and smiled. 

"Honey how are you doing?" Fatimah asked.

"I'm ok. I just hate it. I mean I'm fine. Why won't I go to school? The drug is out of my system right?" she whined. She looked really cute.


"I know but there are still some traces of it." Samirah replied.

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