Book 2??

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Hey Guys!!

This is more an apology note rather than an informing one. I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry that I haven't replied to any of your comments since for some reason, Wattpad doesn't notify me. I was really happy to read every single one of your comments. I replied to some of them. Funny thing is, the comments were from early 2017. Man, I'm a terrible person. *sighs* Sorry, guys. I really am. *get teary eyes* I'm trying my best. 

As, I said before, I read your comments and how much you guys loved my book, I was thinking of making a Book 2 of the same characters, but when they are in senior year and graduating. I am definitely going to do another book but just wanted to get your opinion on it. As you guys can see if you read my book, my reads has dropped *gets teary eyes once more* because I haven't updated frequently, which is totally my fault. I don't blame anyone or accuse the platform, Wattpad, for anything. It was all my fault and I learned my lesson. 

I really want to know what you guys think about this because I am really excited on making a Finding Me 2. IDK if I would stay with that title. I might change it to something else. But for now, just let me know in the comments what you think. Also comment some title ideas. 


Samira: HEY!

H.M.:Huh? Yeah? Samira what is it?

Samira: You keep saying sorry sorry sorry but for your other book "What Went Down Last Summer," you haven't updated frequently!

H.M.: Yeah, I know. It's because I am busy with high school. 

Samira: Sure you are. *sarcasm* If you are going to write our new book then you should upload frequently. I don't want to hear any excuses, if you are serious about writing prove it by writing our new book without any delay. *slams hand on desk*

H.M.: Okay, okay, I got it. Geez, what is with you?

Samira: What's with me? Nothing is wrong with me. The problem is-

Yusuf: Okay, I think that's enough. Layan!

Layan: Yeah?

Yusuf: Stop her before she blows up!

Layan: Samira c'mon let's go. 


Fatimah: Samira, c'mon you're embarrassing yourself. 

Samira: I don't care! Thanks to her, I wouldn't be surprised if no one is reading this letter. Do you know how many people were eager enough to read us?! So many people wanted to read more and more and instead of giving them that and proving she was wrong, she MADE THE FREAKING CHAPTERS SHORTER!! I MEAN WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MINDS DOES THAT?!?! SHE PRACTICALLY GAVE UP ON US!!! 

Layan: I know and she said she  was sorry. Now just let it go. 

Samira: *glares at H.M.* When you do write a second book, you better update regularly and you better make them long. GOT IT?!?!

H.M.: *flinches* Yes ma'am! *raises hand over forehead*

Samira: Good!

Fatimah: And she said Samira was her favorite character. *chuckles*

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