Chapter Four

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I'm working on my description, so I hope this chapter seems like an improvement.


I curl up in a ball, I'm confuse, the feeling of betrayal running through me, every memory shaking me.

"Chanyeol." I hear my name being called but I bury my face in my knees to hide the burning anger, hot stains being made down my cheeks as I hide away from everything I know to face reality. Baekhyun is alive, he's alive but...he's a toy.

"Chanyeol listen to me..." My names called again and I start rocking slightly, Baekhyun was my only friend other than Minseok...we did everything together, we were like brothers, we were almost together but then he faked his death! He didn't even come back! It's took him years to come back and just by a mistake.

"Chanyeol, you're panicking again, please look up..." It's Minseok who keeps calling me....


"He's gone,he's gone, he's gone...." I say like a record stuck on repeat, "Minseok what do I do, please help me, I can't take it!!"

My eyes snap up from the dirtied ground underneath the tree I'm sat under. The tears don't even try to fight back, they fall without hesitance.

"Chanyeol..." Minseok's voice is calm as the boy approaches me unbuttoning his blazer and laying it over my shoulders, "Please come inside....we can talk won't be getting covered in rain." I sniff up as Minseok pulls his arms around me and I lean into him.

"The rain reminds me of Baekhyun, I met him at a bus stop on the way to school....and he was upset because his mother said he needed to look more like a boy than a girl." I sob, "The rain reminds me of Baekhyun because it reminds me of his sadness that day, the sadness that I made go away but...he's gone so what was the point in it!!" My voice bawls out and Minseok clutches me tighter and I scream , the tears rolling faster down my cheeks, "I can't take it! I loved him! And now he's gone!!"

"It's not your fault Channie..." Minseok tells me and I nuzzle my face into his shirt.

"It is! I didn't help him! I could have..." My voice trails as my eyes fall shut and I pass out within an instant....


I peer up to meet Minseok's eyes and he gives me the same smile he did before. Although his face is matured, I can still see the similarity.

"Minseok..." I murmur, my voice broken and shaky.

"Yes Chanyeol?" He places a hand on my knee as he kneels closer to me.

"I met Kyungsoo in the rain. He looked so sad...." I tell him and his eyes widen.

"Chanyeol stop it."

"The rain reminds me of Kyungsoo's sadness and how I was the one to make him happy again..."

"Chanyeol!" Minseok's voice raises slightly.

"I love him." I tell Minseok and he sighs before looking me in the eyes.

"I know Chanyeol, I know you do. That's who you need right now, you need Kyungsoo. Stop thinking about Baekhyun because he doesn't matter! He walked out of your life remember and tried to return as a new person who was clearly not think about Kyungsoo..." Minseok tells me and his hand reaches up wiping tears away from my cheeks.

I sit up straight, my mind still fuzzy and I feel different, I don't feel like myself in some ways.

"Where's Kyungsoo?" I ask and I hear a small voice from the back say here. I turn to look to see Kyungsoo standing next to the counter. Shakily, I get up, my legs wobbling slightly but Minseok helps me up. I stumble over and wrap my arms tightly around Kyungsoo. He pulls his arms around me, one hand in my hair, the other rubbing my back.

"Kyungsoo I love you..." I murmur and he nuzzles his face into my neck.

"I love you too Chanyeol."


We get back to mine and Kyungsoo's with Luhan. Luhan decides to sleep on the couch as it's big enough for the small boy. I lend him a t-shirt and jogging bottoms and he grabs a spare fleece blanket from the cupboard and I give up one of my pillows for him.

Luhan cuddles himself up on the couch after a shower and I go into the bedroom getting changed into shorts and a t-shirt. I climb into bed, the duvet at my feet waiting for Kyungsoo to join me. After five long minutes of waiting he enters the room in the same as me. Shutting the door, he climbs onto the bed pulling up the duvet but I grab his hips and pull him onto my lap, the duvet around us.

"W-What are you doing?" He says with a small smile displayed on his face. I snake my arms around him and he leans in close to me.

"If anything happens to you, I will find you and I will get payback on whoever did it. I love you so much and I'm never going to let you go." I tell him and he presses his forehead to mine.

"Good because I'm never going to let you go either...I love you more than anything..." He replies with a widened smile.

I press my lips to his softly but he pulls away from the kiss for a moment, "Only kissing okay, you're in a rough state..." He tells me and I nod before he presses his lips back to mine, my body pressing back against the bed as he moves his lips in sync with mine. My hands hold his hips as he leans over me, his legs either side of my body. He licks my bottom lips and I open my mouth letting his tongue slide in and we fight against each other until breathless. When we pull away Kyungsoo leaves small kisses down my nose, leaving one last one on my lips before climbing off me and slipping into bed.

I lie on my side and cuddle him close to me, my arms wrapped around his body. He entwines our fingers together as he snuggles back into me and I see a small smile grow on his face through the light of the window.

I rest my head on the back of his neck and shut my eyes....

If Baekhyun's alive....I wonder if I wasn't seeing things in the café window....



I hope you are all enjoying this so far righttttt.

And I've finally come up with the complete plot. The end is a bit fuzzy but its almost there and rn it looks so LIT AF!!! The plot is something unexpected and actually really cool! Im so proud of myself for coming up with it, so proud that I'm like EXCITED TO WRITE THIS AND SHOW YOU GUYSSSS

Thats all I wanted to say lol




- Darcie

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