Chapter Eighteen

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Y'all gonna hate me

Any songs I recommend reading with this is:

EXO - Sing For You (BEST)

EXO - Promise (BEST)

EXO - Miracle In December

Ryeowook- People You May Know


Kyungsoo finds out two days later that he won't be leaving the hospital, he looks to me but I feel empty and have no way of returning any sort of comfort, because I can't even comfort myself...

Kyungsoo's eyes fix on mine but I don't return the glance, I can't, soon he will be gone and there's nothing I can do about it...I need a distraction or some kind of block...

"Yixing...I'm sorry that you...couldn't help me fully," Kyungsoo says, "But thank you...for...for being my saviour."

I peer up at Yixing who is sitting next to me, he's the only one with me right now other than Baekhyun whose sitting the other side of the bed looking down at his hands.

"C-Chanyeol..." Kyungsoo's voice croaks as he's been crying for the past however long, "Chanyeol....please look at me..."

My eyes peer up and meet his instantly. They don't look the same as the ones I used to love, the Kyungsoo I knew is now dead...and soon, this one will be too. "Chanyeol, I won't be here for you no longer, you need to move on..." Kyungsoo stutters and tears start to fall down his cheeks as he cries softly, "I-I'm letting you go...and...I want you to be happy, so...good bye Chanyeol..." Kyungsoo sniffs up and I feel tears roll free from my own eyes, I'm froze, he just basically told me were over....

I can't do this anymore, I cry. I cry so hard that I can't even stay, "Fine." I stand, "I-I won't return...and...I guess...this Is goodbye." I pace out of the room with nothing else to say, the last thing he ever said was my name...

I pace down the corridor and hear footsteps heavily behind me. I don't stop to see who it is, I continue until I'm outside the hospital, the rain pouring down onto me and I stop in the middle of the path and let the rain fall onto me, my tears continuing to fall and I break down, I fall to my knees and I cry out. I feel the pain suddenly, as if I'm being ripped apart and everything is over.

"Chanyeol!" Someone screams my name and I feel someone's arm over my back and they kneel down beside me. My head lifts up slowly to see Baekhyun looking at me worried, in fact petrified...his dark brown hair sticking to his forehead as the rain soaks him. "Chanyeol, come here..." Baekhyun says holds his arms out and I fall against his chest.

"I don't know what to do Baekhyun...." I sniff and Baekhyun hugs me tightly as if he's trying to protect me from the rain..His hand running through my wet hair..

"It will get better, the pain will go, I promise you..."


It's been three weeks, Baekhyun is helping me to clean up the apartment, clean out the things that I don't need or want. We redecorated last week with the help of Luhan and Yixing and now were just sorting through things...

"What about the clothes?" Baekhyun asks pointing to a large pile in the wardrobe.

"Put them in the bag, we can give them to the church to burn too," I tell him and he nods once before starting to back them. I clear out all the clothes and the towels, the bedding, everything that reminds me of him.

"You done?" Baekhyun asks me and I nod rubbing the back of my neck, "hey," Baekhyun approaches me lifting my chin with his fingers, "It will be okay." I give him a small smile and he picks up the bags again, "I'll drive down and take these to the church, I think Min and Chen are coming to pick you up right?"

"Mhm they are..." I reply quietly and I adjust Baekhyuns suit before he leaves.

I stare at myself in the full mirror and give a small smile, "You can do this, you have Baekhyun." I tell myself and take a deep breath before leaving also. I wait outside and it doesn't take long for Minseok and Chen to arrive in their car. I get into the back silently and Minseok gives me a small smile before driving off to the church.

I stare blankly out the window the whole way, Minseok says that we should bury his ashes afterwards which I agree on. We agree to bury him under a large willow tree at the end of the graveyard as it's peaceful and there's barely any gravestones there.

Once we reach the church we get greeted by the Priest Minho. He gives us a hand shake and a bow as we pass and I find Baekhyun, my instincts telling me to instantly go to him which I do and he hugs me close to him. "You'll be okay." Baekhyun murmurs.

"I know." I reply and he gives me a small squeeze before letting me go and I turn to see Luhan and Yixing.

Luhan takes my hands in his and gives me a sweet smile, "Your doing so well..." I feel something cool against my hand and I look down to see a ring on Luhan's finger.

"Congratulations." I say to him with a smile and he looks quite surprised.

"Ah thank you...I...wasn't going to tell you yet but, I guess I can't really hide it with a ring can I ?" Luhan chuckles a little and Yixing smiles over his shoulder as I peer up to Baekhyun giving him a small smile. He takes my hand as we all start walking around to where Kyungsoo is going to be cremated.

The sky is already falling dark and all the clothes are stack up under everything and theres the casket on top. I take a deep breath, squeezing Baekhyuns hand as Minseok places a rose on top of the casket before everything lights up.

The flames envelope all of it, everything and I shut my eyes resting my head on Baekhyun's shoulder. "I remember when I met him, he was drenched in rain and looked so sad...but with just one word his face lit up and he was so happy." I say and I reopen my eyes to see everyone looking at me, "I remember him at mine, he was so nervous, he was like a puppy...I did so much for him..."

"I remember meeting him for the first time," Minseok starts, "I thought Chanyeol was so kind to bring him in and Kyungsoo was so cold and Chanyeol did so much to try to keep him warm."

"He was a small gentle soul. So kind." Luhan murmurs.

"I didn't see him much but when I saw him way before you guys, he was kind and was really sweet. He would always be nice to everyone beside the ones who hurt him...He was my best friend." Yixing tells us and I can't help but smile.

"I comforted him when you disappeared Chanyeol and he was so relaxed and was very sociable, even in the state he was in..." Baekhyun says and I can't help but feel my eyes tear up.

"He had a good heart, a nice smile and wouldn't hurt anyone...but the good people are always the ones to suffer." Chen tells us, "Kyungsoo was so nice to all of us, we can't forget that."

"We can't." I reply, "After all, he didn't want me to suffer any longer so he let me go, he wanted me to be happy and even though at first I thought I couldn't be happy without him...I guess...part of my happiness has disappeared but at least I'm not alone, I've got all of you, even Baekhyun." I say and Baekhyun squeezes my hand gently.

I loved you Kyungsoo....but now...I can let go...


Whose prepared for an epilogue?

Guys did you actually realize the title of the book wasn't aimed at all? Yeah I'm a bitch for that XD gotta love sLAY




- Darcii

You're My Saviour // Chansoo Park TwoWhere stories live. Discover now