Chapter Seven

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- Chanyeol's POV -

My head is pounding, it's painful, I can't lift it....what's going on?

I peer around the room which is dark grey, I'm lay on a bed attached to the wall...Where am I?


I force myself up and stumble on my feet. The room is freezing cold! Why is it so cold?! Or is it just me...
I stumble over to a large metal door, my body slamming into it as my feet fall below me and I groan out in pain.
I hear footsteps behind the door, more than one person. I try to move away from the door but im too late as it opens, a pair of strong arms lifts me and throw me back inside.

As I look back up I see the familiar face, large eyes, toned skin....Tao.
I feel anger burn up inside of me but I'm too weak to do anything about it.

"Siwon, make sure he doesn't go anywhere for a second." Tao tells him and I look to a dark haired guy, thick eyeliner and he's quite tall.
He nods once as Tao leaves the room with the door still open....I need to get my strength back.

I climb back onto my feet at Siwon stands by the door with a raised eyebrow.
"Is the gas wearing off now?"

"You gased me?" I grit my teeth.

"No I didn't gas you. Someone else did...but I can tell its wearing off now." Siwon says, "Just stay calm yeah? No one will get hurt."

"Fuck off." I snarl and Siwon sighs.

"There's no use for language like that." Siwon tells me.

"Do I have to repeat myself." I snap, "I said Fuck Off."

Siwon just smirks and I manage to stand straight. My body completely out of the mask it was hidden under. I pretend to struggle to walk over to Siwon and he just smirks at me and as I reach him, I punch him around the face.
His body flies to the side and I kick him in the side sending him to the floor before quickly exiting the room.
I look both ways, no one!

I rush down the right way and look through each door as I go down. There's two more rooms like I was in and then it goes to open rooms.

I look in each open room hoping I'd find Luhan and I freeze at one door.

I wasn't seeing things....I wasn't...

I wished my eyes deceived me...but they don't...

Dark brown hair, enough to be black, tall and quite handsome.

I slip into the room and around the side so I can't be seen outside and they look up, their eyes move and meet me. They look in shock, just like me, stunned at the sight of each other.
He looks like Baekhyun, he's wearing a dark collar with a clip which looks like a leash could attach, a black jacket over a white shirt, black trousers and black suede shoes as well as a plastic see through jacket.

"C-Chanyeol?" He says my name and part of me wants to cry and feel happy. The other wonders if he's the same...the same as before.
I approach him slowly and look over his face, placing my hand on his cheek but that's when I hear Tao yelling for me.
"Hide!" He tells me and I look around hesitantly before climbing into the small cupboard behind the bed.
My heart pounds. This can't be?
I hear running, running past the rooms and down the corridors. It lasts for 5 minutes...then everywhere goes silent?

"Its okay!" I hear him call and I peer out the cupboard door and there's no one around.

I stand up and stand beside the bed. "I can't believe your alive..." I sigh in relief and he smiles up at me.

"I can't believe your back..."

"How did they save you?"

"Surgery. Tests. Electricity." He chuckles and I smile. I smile wider.
He's back.

You're My Saviour // Chansoo Park TwoWhere stories live. Discover now