Chapter Eight

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Luhan screams loud and clear and my eyes widen as I feel stunned.
"Lu!" I try to calm him as I pull him into my body, "Luhan calm down!" He grips hold of my shirt and cries, his body shaking a lot as the tears are unstoppable down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry!" I hold his head close to my chest, his arms wrapped around me tightly, hands gripping the back of my jumper.
"Please don't leave me!" He cries out, "Don't leave me again!!" 

"I won't I won't!" I try to reassure his shaking body but it doesn't work, he cries and cries, Baekhyun and Yixing stunned and wondering what to do.
"Luhan drink this..." I tell him handing him a bottle of water. His shaky hand takes it, the other still gripping hold of me. He takes a few sips and I look over his face.

His lips are chapped and slightly bleeding, eyes puffy and glassy, he's pale...He's weak.
"Don't let Sehun get me again..." his voice is small now, like a small whimper as he sniffs in between words.
"I won't trust me." I tell him.

"I don't trust him." Luhan says pointing at Baekhyun and Baekhyuns eyes widen. Who can blame Luhan for not trusting him...after all...Baekhyun didn't stop Sehun from doing 'that' to him, now look at Luhan...
"Its okay...I don't blame you." I tell him and Baekhyun stares at me, he gives me the stare of he hates me again, the one he gave me when we argued when we were little and I told him to leave me alone.
"Lu, Lie trust Yixing right?" I ask and Luhan looks over to Yixing, his eyes fixed on him before nodding once.
"Is it okay if Yixing shares with you because I'll have to share with Baek. We're only here for a rest...Okay?" I say calmly and Luhan gives a small smile nodding.

I stand going over to Yixing and he looks at me ready to take in what I say, "Be careful with him, he's distressed and needs comforting."

"Got it." Yixing walks over to Luhan whose now sat in the corner of the bed, resting his head on the wall. Body curled up like a ball. Yixing sits by Luhan and asks him if he wanted a hug and Luhan looks Yixing all over before taking the offer.

I approach Baekhyun and he presses his hand against my chest.
"What was that supposed to mean?" He murmurs to me and the look of distrust running over his eyes.
"Don't take it personally...I was trying to comfort and be there for him Baek."

"Fine." Baekhyun crawls over the other side of the bed.

"Hey Chanyeol. If we go to sleep now, it will be dark in a couple hours and no one will be around but they keep the subjects in their rooms." Yixing explains, "The subjects aka like Baekhyun, are tied in their rooms."

I nod once, "We will go in a couple hours."

Yixing pulls the blanket over Luhans body and I can already see Luhan putting all trust in him.
I lie down and Baekhyun looks at me. "We will find Kyungsoo soon..."

"Why do you still search for him...maybe it's best to let go since he's dragging you into his stuff." Baekhyun says and I frown.

"Its not about that. Baekhyun I love Kyungsoo, I love him more than anything." I tell him, "I have to find him."

"Then find him we will." Baekhyun says before rolling on his side to face me, "but...can I tell you something?"

"Yes." I reply looking at Baekhyun.

"Sehun only kissed Luhan you know, he tried to touch him in the wrong places but I did stop him because...Luhan was getting uncomfortable so...Sehun bit Luhan and said it was my fault...I felt terrible. I really wished you'd show up." Baekhyun explains and I frown slightly placing my hand to Baekhyuns cheek.

"Thank you Baekhyun...but don't feel bad because it's not your stopped Sehun doing worse..." I tell him, "Thank you."

"I missed you." Baekhyun suddenly says, "Don't think I forgot you...I never did. Your someone who someone could never forget."

Baekhyun rolls over and faces away from me, shutting his eyes and pulling a blanket over himself. I smile before getting under the blanket and pulling my arm over Baekhyun.

"I missed you were my best friend." I whisper to him and he covers my hand with his and squeezes it.
I shut my eyes.

I must find Kyungsoo.


Does anyone actually trust Baekhyun? Do you? Maybe you should...or you shouldn't...who knows.
Let's hope Lulu will be okay!




- Darcie

You're My Saviour // Chansoo Park TwoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora