Chapter Ten

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We try. We run. We run down the long corridor which seems like it's running forever...but we don't make it.

Kris stands there waiting with Sehun and two other people, one being Siwon.
We go to run back but we can't, were trapped. (A/N: Cues Henry XD )
"Shit..." Yixing mutters pulling Luhan closer to him wrapping his arms around him as Luhan tries to hide away from Sehun.

I feel movement and my eyes look down to Kyungsoo whose eyes are wide open and he's staring up at me. "Chanyeol?" He seems confused. I blink twice in surprise and he drops himself out my arms.
"K-Kyungsoo?" I stutter as he seems okay even though he has a slight limp. Ren looks at me in shock as he said Kyungsoo wouldn't remember me but...He did.

"Give it up Kris." Kyungsoo shouts, "You've unlocked what you thought wasn't possible so I suggest you back off."
Kris laughs darkly and points at Sehun, "We have this one."
"I'm still stronger than he will ever be!" Kyungsoo retorts. He steps up to them and Yixing holds me back as I go to follow.
"Just wait..." He says with a smile and I frown. I'm worried yet...I'm not, it's confusing...

"Your not hurting the ones I respect the most. Especially Chanyeol, Lay and Luhan." He tells Kris and I'm stunned? Whose Lay?

"Give it up Kyungsoo." Kris laughs, "You think you can beat three of us?"

"How did he get up so fast?" I ask Yixing and he winks.
"You dont know a lot of things...but they will be shown to you pretty soon." He tells me and I'm confused and feel strange. Something about all of this feels off.

"You can't exactly change the time so your all alive again! Tao is dead!" Kyungsoo did he know?! He was unconscious when he killed him.

"We don't need time control Kyungsoo. It's three against one." Sehun laughs.

"For a matter of fact it's not." Yixing smiles and everyone's eyes turn to him, "Luhan. Me. Kyungsoo. Against You. Sehun. How is it three against one. It's three against two."

"That's a lie. It's three against three." Kris says and he moves aside as...I want to jump forward but Yixing grabs me pushing me back.
"This was going to happen! You know it!"

"Did you miss me Chanyeol. Our little cuddles were so nice again. Just like the old days..." Baekhyun giggles sweetly and I want to hit him! I want to beat him!

"Calm down!" I try to force my way past Yixing and I'm screaming to let me through, my blood boiling, anger filling me and Yixing lets go of me with a yell. I suddenly feel worried as his hands are bright red...but it fades away after a few seconds. I look down at my own whole see I'm basically a human flame.
"What is this?!" I panic and Yixing puts out his hands in defence.
"Maybe we have Chanyeol too." Yixing nervously laughs and I cool down going back to normal. Kyungsoo stares at me. He stares at me with a look of joy....

Suddenly, Kris falls to the floor in a ball and we all look in horror and confusion as he starts to growl under his breath. Sehun starts to rub his hands together and small gusts of wind appear from no where....
Baekhyun steps forward in front of Kyungsoo and smiles. "Chanyeol will never go back to you. Not after me." That's all Baekhyun managed to say before Kyungsoo lifted a hand and a vine like stream appeared from his Palm wrapping around Baekhyuns neck tightly, squeezing, lifting him off his feet.

"I think your wrong." Kyungsoo says as a devilish smile wipes across his face. I watch as the colour starts to fade from Baekhyuns face, Yixing holding me back. I hadn't even cared that Ren had run off, I wanted to get through...maybe there would have been hope for Baekhyun!!!

"Please Yixing!!! Make him stop!" I feel my eyes bubble a little and Yixing stares at me.
"Just will understand what we're doing!"

"Your killing him that's what your doing!!" I yell and Baekhyuns body goes limp, Kyungsoo drops him, the vine retracting and Baekhyun hits the floor...lifeless. Nothing left of him.
Kyungsoo pushes both hands forward and some sort of storm starts, not from this earth, it's all around Sehun and he tries to blow it away but it encloses in on him and with one loud crack he falls to the floor. His body limp too...

Luhan pulls himself into Yixings chest and hides himself amongst his shirt. Yixing pulls a hand up and runs it through Luhans hair. Something was up, more than just seeing Sehun die in front of him.
Kris gets up onto his feet. He looks completely normal until two large black wings appear on his back.
Kyungsoo frowns as Kris looks over at me. His eyes are dark. Soulless.

He darts forward grabbing Kyungsoo and flying up into the air, I want to move but Yixing is still holding me still! I watch as he pushes Kyungsoo up against the wall, his body dangling by his hands around his throat. Kyungsoo growls slightly and smacks something off Kris' head.

Kris drops Kyungsoo and Kyungsoo lands on his leg with questions scream. Yixing disguards me and Luhan running over and placing his hands on Kyungsoos leg.

Kyungsoo screams out but after a few seconds Yixing gets back up and Kyungsoo stretches out his leg, with no pain at all! I'm guessing Yixing has Healing Power.

Kris returns down to us his head bleeding heavily making his steps wobbly and unsteady.
I look around to see everyone else has fled the only ones are Me, Luhan, Kris, Kyungsoo and Yixing.

"You...won't get away...." Kris snarls and Yixing approaches him before slapping him around the face sending him to the floor.

"Goodbye." Yixing smiles before smacking his head off the floor and...that's the end of Kris.
I run up to Kyungsoo and hug him tightly, but he doesn't hug me back.
"Chanyeol get off me." He giggles and I let go with a frown. "Don't worry, I did miss you." He tells me and he moves to Baekhyuns body.
I kneel down beside him and feel sadness flush over me.
"Your going to thank me in a second." Kyungsoo says and I look at him, "Lay get over here." He says and Yixing comes and sits the opposite side if Baekhyun.

"Your Lay?"

"It's Kyunggies nickname for me." Yixing laughs, "Right leave this to me."

Yixing says and he presses his fingers to Baekhyuns temple....


They have their elements, how cool am I ?
Do you think it's over yet?






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