(3) A

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        A few weeks have passed if my counting is correct. Since then, I haven't been any closer to finding the group. Whether I wanted to admit it or not, I was slowly getting used to being alone and I hated it.

   As I began fidgeting with the dial of the radio, a faint voice came across the static.
     "Sanctuary— arrive— survive— Terminus."

This place, could Rick have heard this message? After a few more miles, smoke began pouring out of the hood of the RV. I slammed my hands on the steering wheel out of frustration and grabbed my things and began heading on foot. I looked back to the RV and cut into my hand, blood streaming down my palm and dripped onto the concrete , I used my finger to draw the first letter of my name and a short message.

I hung onto the straps of my backpack as I walked, my old group never leaving my mind. As each day passed, the hole in my heart grew. I wanted nothing more than to hear Rick crack a "dad joke", or Beth sing, to see Glenn. But what I wanted the most was to see Carl, I love that kid like he's my own. He's told me things not even Rick or Lori knows, he's a wonderful kid and I hate the fact that this is the world he has to grow up in. I just hope he's okay.

-No one's POV
As she thought about Carl, he was towering over his mother's body. He was sobbing, whispering to himself- an apology to his beloved mother.
"I'm sorry you never saw Alice again, I know you liked her a lot mom." He raised his gun, hands shaking and pulled the trigger, killing his unconscious mother.

-Alice's POV
I opened my eyes and groaned, placing a hand on my aching back. Sleeping on the ground wasn't getting any easier. I pulled myself up and kept walking, getting closer to Terminus. I wonder what it's like, are there survivors? Was it safe?

I stopped and cut into the familiar scar and smeared an A onto the sign about Terminus. If Rick hadn't already been by here, he'll see my message.

A twig snapped and a walker appeared, followed by another, then another. I sighed and pulled out my machete, and prepared for the fight I was about to endure.

With blood on my face and my clothes dirty, I could see Terminus. A smile spread across my face as I approached the gates.
"Welcome to Terminus. You may lower your weapons, for you are safe."

I was greeted by a man. He had a sly smile on his face.
"Hi, I'm Gareth."
"Are you hungry Alice?"

He led me to a picnic table and laid a plate in front of me, then proceeding to sit in front of me.
"What kind of meat is this?"
I nodded and took a bite, Gareth watching me the whole time.
"How is it?"
"It's great." He smiled and tapped his hands on the table.
"I'll be back. I have some things to take care of."
When I saw that he was out of sight, I spit out the meat onto the ground. Whatever it was, it wasn't chicken, it was too chewy and sweet. Curiosity filled me as I went into the same direction that Gareth had just went. I ended up in a huge room with a large metal tub in the middle, the kind of tub farmers use to catch blood of livestock. This must be where they "skin" their food. A door creaked open and I hid against the wall, holding my breath. The sounds of muffled voices echoed throughout the warehouse. I peeked around the corner and saw that they were lining men up and forcing them on their knees. A man approached the screaming man at the end of the tub and slit his throat, laying his lifeless body against the tub. I gasped and returned to my hiding place. When I peeked again, a pair of arms wrapped around me and I saw that it was Gareth.
"Looks like our cover's blown." He said it in a monotone voice that sent a chill down my entire body. He began dragging me outside, I tried to retaliate, but didn't stand a chance. He opened one of the train car's doors and threw me inside.
"We don't eat women, they serve so many other purposes." He tossed his head back and chuckled. "See you soon Alice." He shut the door and I couldn't see anything but darkness.

Days passed and the door opened, it was Gareth with a smile on his face.
"Those purposes we spoke of, well this is one of them." He climbed into the train car and began unbuckling his belt.

-Carl's POV
I watched as Dad spoke to Glenn and Maggie. It's been a little over two months since the night at the farm.

No one talks about Alice anymore. Dad doesn't even listen when I try to bring her up. I sat on the bleachers with my head down, thinking about my mother and my new sister.

"Yes Carl?"
"So now does this mean Alice is dead?" He didn't answer, instead his eyes fell to the ground and he slowly nodded his head.
"I think so Carl." I got off the bleachers and stormed off.

-Alice's POV
I laid curled up into a ball on the cold metal of the train car. Every part of my body ached. My sobs echoed off the walls as I cried. I felt revolting, degraded, I could die right now and I honestly don't care. The train car opened and a plate was slid inside, the huge metal door sliding back closed. My stomach burned as I stared down at the plate. I knew what it was and I didn't want it– but dying of starvation was painful. I took a bite of the meat and cried as I finished the plate. Bile rose up into my throat but I forced it back into my stomach, I needed to keep my food down, or I'd be back to square one.

I sat with my legs crossed, talking aloud to myself. I was thinking of a plan to get out of here. When that door opened again, I was going to kill whoever was blocking my way out of here.

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