(26) Love

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     Negan began walking towards the gates of the Hilltop, Lucille in his hand and Dwight by his side. Rick and the others weren't prepared on what to say, nor what to do. They had to think fast as he was inching closer to them.
    "Where is she?" Negan asked, hiding the tears lingering in his stone cold eyes. Rick motioned to the newly dug grave and Negan fell beside the mound of dirt.
      "I want to see her." He said, staring at the makeshift cross Edith had made minutes ago. "Dig her up." Everyone was at a loss for words, what could they say to him that wouldn't set him off?
     "Are you fucking deaf? I said dig her up!" Aaron sniffled as he began to dig up his dead sister, wiping away the tears that stained his cheeks. Maggie sat in front of Glenn's grave, clinging to his pocket watch. Negan let out a small sob as Alice was revealed, he groaned as he pulled her to his lap and pushed her hair away from her face.
    "Can I please have a moment alone?" He asked, hiding his face as he held his dead wife. Everyone left Negan alone, keeping an eye on him as he mourned. He pushed aside their differences for those four hours he sat there with her.
He talked to his dead wife for those four hours, bringing up all the memories they had gone through together, he apologized countless times for not letting her be with her family when she wanted to most, and he kept repeating how he should be the one buried and she should be the one holding his lifeless body. That's the way this world will treat you, rip away your loved ones right out of your grasp, and you can't do anything about it.
     "Can I take her with me?" He asked, keeping his eyes on her, thinking at any moment her eyes would open and she would be okay, but that wasn't going to happen, only in the movies.
     "I think she would want to be with Glenn." Maggie said, her fragile voice shaking as she held the tears clawing at her eyelids, begging to come out.
     "She told me about him, about how he delivered pizzas before this started, how they were together and searched for Aaron for weeks before giving up and meeting a woman named Andrea in a small town with her sister and an old man who drove an RV. She didn't deserve this." He said, biting the inside of his cheek.
    He carefully laid Alice back in the ground and began to cover her with dirt, but not before taking her ring and placing it on the cross, squeezing the cross until his fingers were red. He wiped away a tear and straightened his jacket and returned Lucille to his shoulder.
    "Now, which one of you pricks took the shot?" Everyone's eyes fell to the floor and he became enraged. "Answer me!" He shouted, making everyone jump.
      "It was me." Rosita said as she clutched onto her wounded shoulder. "I  was aiming for you, it hit her. I'm so sorry." She blinked away a few tears and Negan took a deep breath.
  "Sorry won't bring back my wife." Negan said, placing a gun between her eyes and pulling the trigger, which is what started the war at the Hilltop.

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