(12) Virus

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     When I opened my eyes, every single part of my body ached. I felt like at any moment I would break. I felt like a delicate piece of China, that the slightest movement would be crucial.
    "Good, you're awake." I was laying on    a old mattress, wires were coming out of my arm and all I could hear was the beeping of a machine. "Do you remember when your last period was?" I shook my head and he nodded.
    "Through all the stress, it's actually quite common to skip a month or two. But in case you didn't know, you're on yours now. Don't worry, I cleaned you up, but that could be why you're stomach was hurting so bad. Your nose was bleeding when Negan found you, which has me concerned about head trauma. Dwight said you were feeling sick?" I nodded and he scribbled something on the small notepad and put it on the desk in front of him.

  "Unfortunately, we don't have the medicine you need. I'm going to write what we need down, see if Simon or Dwight can find it at one of the communities." There was a knock on the door and I saw Negan. The heart monitor began to beep faster.
    "How is she?"
      "She's awake, but she must stay in bed for as long as she needs. Her recovery is crucial, I'm suspecting she has some sort of virus."
    "Virus? Was she fucking bitten?"
"Two completely different things sir, I'm thinking it's some sort of flu, how she got it is what I want to know. I'm going to do some reading." He took off his reading glasses and exited the room.
     "We know who attacked our outpost. We're going to have a meeting in the next day or two."
     "What are you going to do?" I choked out, my throat was dry and it ached.
     "I'm going to kill one of them." All I could do was nod.
      "I'll let you know how things go." He quickly said, heading back away from the medical room.

   Two days passed and I was slowly losing my mind, staying in this room seeing the same people was aggravating. All I wanted to do was go outside, I wanted to feel the warm sun on my pale skin, I wanted to feel the breeze blow through my hair, so many things I wanted to do, but couldn't.
     "Hey, Doc. Could I please go on a walk?"
     "Don't want to miss Negan's meeting  huh? Fine, but as soon as it's over, you come straight back here. Understand?"
  I wanted to roll my eyes at him, but knew he meant no harm. 
Dwight saw me coming from a mile away, he met eyes with me and nodded, signaling what I could only assume was he was happy to see me moving around. He began climbing the stairs, interrupting Negan's speech, his voice came to a halt as he looked towards the direction I was in. A smile curled up on his lips and he chuckled. Dwight put an arm under mine and helped me walk down the steps, every single step ached and I tried to ignore it by biting my tongue.
"As I was saying, this group has attacked us. Our home. They took our guns and killed our people, that shit does not go unnoticed. We have captured four of their people, and I'm not sure they know, but we are making it known today. We have a general idea of who they are, but what we don't know is why they fucking attacked us. For what benefit we will soon find out. But before, we are going to go to the Hilltop and the Kingdom for an early supply run. Meet us at the trucks in ten." The sound of everyone's conversations boomed off the walls of the common room, making my ears ring.
"Why are you up?" He asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"I wanted to see you before you left."
"Well, how about that. I was gonna come and see you before I left, you shouldn't have gotten up. You need your energy." He pushed a piece of my knotted hair back and grinned. "You know, you look like shit, but you're still beautiful."
"That was the meanest and nicest thing I've ever heard you say." I stammered out, every breath feeling like it was getting harder to take.
"Dwight. Go help Alice back to her room, I'll see you later okay?" He placed his hand on the back of my head and kissed my temple lightly, like he was afraid if he wasn't gentle I would fall apart. He began walking down the stairs and sadness overcame me. I yearned to go with him, confronting this group might go south, he needs me to be with him. But in my condition, I'd be useless and another person to watch out for.
"Come on." Dwight hooked his arm underneath mine, walking with me like I was a fail old woman, walking slow and making sure I wouldn't topple over like a house of cards.
"He's been worried about you, son of a bitch won't admit that, but he has been. He keeps his eye out for things you could want or need."
"Speaking of that, get the note from the doctor, he has some prescriptions."
"Sure thing."

When we arrived to the familiar room, Dwight helped me back into bed.
"Want me to tuck you in, sing you a lullaby too? Maybe a bed time story?"
"Screw you. Go, you don't want to miss the trucks leaving."
"I'll see you around Alice."

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