(13) Traitor

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"What the fuck is this?" I growled as I held up one of my walkie talkies. "Where did you get this?!" I shouted, making the man jump.
"I found it."
"Listen, I want you to understand who I am. I can be a decent man, but I won't stand for a fucking liar. Where did you get it?"
"I told you, I found it."
"Raise a gun to these people's heads." Everyone obeyed, pointing a gun to everyone's temples.
"Now, you are going to tell me where you got this. Or everyone here will die."
"Alice." He stammered out, making my heart sink.
"Alice and I made a deal, the walkie talkie for me finding her people."
"And? Did you at least find them?"
I nodded and licked my lips, trying to think of what to do from here.
"Fair enough." I tossed the walkie talkie to Simon and twirled my finger, letting everyone know it was time to head out.
"What are we going to do with Alice sir?" Simon said, crossing his arms in disapproval.
"I'll think of something. Until then, let's move out." I couldn't explain the emotions spiraling through me. Anger, confusion, betrayal, why would she do this? I climbed into the truck and stayed silent, thinking of what to do with my wife.

"Set up roadblocks in every direction you can think of. Take a couple of souvenirs from their friends and put them on the dead ones. Lead them to me, and keep me updated." I spit angrily as the trucks began to move out, kicking off my plan. Whoever these pricks were, they were going to fucking pay.

   We carefully walked through the woods, gripping onto the small cot that held Maggie. She coughed and groaned as we walked. Carl drove his machete into a walkers temple, clearing the path for Abraham and I. 
     "Rick." She choked out, I met eyes with her and she smiled. "Thank you."
     "Not much further now." A branch snapped and we all turned our heads towards the sound. A whistle started, sending a melody through the woodland, more people began to whistle, the sound so loud I couldn't hear what Aaron was saying. We began sprinting, making sure Maggie was okay, trying to get away from whoever was coming after us. I already knew who it was, but I wasn't ready to admit it. The Saviors had surrounded us.

  My heart was beating out of my chest. I've never felt this kind of fear since I woke up in the hospital. Lights flipped on and blinded us, revealing the silhouettes of Negan's men.
     "Welcome to where your going. We'll take your weapons now." None of us moved, we weren't going to give up our things that easily, considering the circumstances. They all turned to me and I slowly nodded. Our weapons were stripped from us and wore on the saviors. The man stood in front of Carl, holding the magnum with Alice's initial on it.
    "This is ours. You have a lot of our guns." He said in a monotone voice, flicking Carl's hat. "Get on your knees." Everyone turned to me again, I nodded and helped Maggie off the small cot, putting her beside me as we all knelt. My heart was beating so fast I could hear it in my ears. I wanted to kick myself for actually thinking we killed all the saviors, for thinking I killed Negan. A van's door was opened, revealing the missing members of my group. They all looked as terrified as I was.
     "Maggie?" Glenn's voice shook as he spoke, tears welling up in his eyes. I looked around at the faces of Negan's people, where is Alice? If she was here, she wouldn't let this happen.. right? I began doubting the woman I once called my friend as the RV's door swung open revealing Negan.
    "Hi I'm Negan." He began pacing around us, keeping the maniacal grin on his face. "Wait a minute, Rick right?"

    "Rick right?" I remember from the man's notes from the Hilltop, the leader of Alice's group was named Rick. Maggie was also one of the names. The people who attacked my outpost were Alice's group. Was she in on this too?
    "Dwight. Go fetch her."
   "Who sir?"
  "You know who, go get her."

  The blanket covering me was ripped from me, making me groan. 
     "Get up." Dwight barked, making terror fill me.
"I said get up." He jerked me up by my arm, making my body ache. "Get dressed." He turned away so I could change into the outfit he brought, my red flannel and my coat, it was Glenn's. He had gave it to me the night before Hershel's was attacked, he said I could keep it because it was heavier than mine, and that it was going to be cold soon.

  I pulled the jacket on and began lacing up my boots.
     "Come on." He harshly grabbed my arm and began pulling me, his grip felt like his fingers were digging into my skin. Something was wrong.
   "You killed my people. And after sending more of my people to kill you people for killing my people, you killed more of my people. Not fucking cool." I felt at any moment I would break, that the tears would begin streaming down my face, I knew not all of us were going to make it out of here. I looked at the people I loved, they were my family, I didn't want to lose any of them, it would break me. The sound of tires crunching through gravel interrupted Negan, we all turned to the truck. I could see a silhouette in the passenger seat of the truck. I squeezed my eyes shut and prayed that it was Alice. The truck's engine came to a stop and the driver's door was opened. Dwight began walking around to the other side, slinging the door open and pulling someone out. The woman was thrown into the gravel and she groaned, she picked her head up and revealed that it was Alice.

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