(10) Concerning Dwight

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My back slammed into the wall, knocking books off the wooden shelf, the books barely missing our heads. Negan started tugging at my shirt, trying to pull it over my head. He kissed my neck and I whimpered, digging my nails into his bare shoulder.
There was a knock on the door, interrupting us.
"Uh, sir?"
"Yes Fat Joseph?"
"One of the wives need to talk to you."
"Can it not wait five fucking minutes?"
"Apparently not sir."
"Give me a second." Negan pulled my shirt over my head and began pulling at his belt. "We'll make this quick." He unbuttoned his jeans and quickly tore at my leggings.
"Really? Those were my favorite pair."
"I'll find you another." He muttered as he entered me, making me gasp. I dug my nails into his back and he groaned before starting to thrust his hips. I bit my lip so I wouldn't moan aloud. The knock returned.
"Sir." Negan pulled out of me and began getting dressed, clearly agitated from being interrupted not only once, but twice.
"God dammit Fat Joey." He yelled as he pulled the door open, revealing a crying Sherry. "What?"
"For fucks sake spit it out."
"I cheated on you." She choked out.
"You did what?"
"I cheated on you with Dwight."
"Princess, get dressed and go fetch Dwight." He said not bothering to send an eye towards Sherry. She walked away to the other wives, them embracing her and comforting her.
"I'll see you downstairs." He planted a passionate kiss on my lips and shut the door behind him, giving me privacy to get dressed.

My stomach was twisted in knots as I began walking down the metal stairs.
"Ah! Princess! Wouldn't want to start the show without you would we?" Simon slipped on the familiar glove and began heating the iron. I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall, trying to prepare myself for what was about to happen.
"Negan, I-I-I'm sorry. It'll never happen again. Please, please don't."
"I'm sorry Dwight. You know the fucking rules." Negan put on the glove and grabbed the hot iron. I turned away before he could press the iron to Dwight's face. I wanted to plug my ears, but I knew my fingers couldn't drown out the sound of his screams.
"Take him to the doctor." Negan muttered as he took off the glove, grabbing my arm as he walked by.

"That's two of my wives to cheat! What did I ever do to them? God dammit!" I jumped when Negan threw the cup, scotch and glass flying around the room. "You know what? I'm done with those whores. You don't cheat on me, and I haven't been fucking them since I've spent all my time fucking you. That's what I'll do." Negan grabbed Lucille and opened the door, the door hitting the wall. I rolled my eyes, knowing I'd hear him bitch about the hole in the wall.
"Where are they?" He growled.
"Who?" A crying Sherry responded.
"The other whores."
"I-I-I don't know." She stammered, her eyes meeting Lucille.
"Princess," He said calmly, looking over to me. "Go get them."
I didn't dare try to talk him out of what he had planned. I knew he had his mind set. I rounded up all the wives and led them to the common room.
"Call a fucking meeting Princess!" His voice boomed off the walls, making all the wives shudder. I pulled the walkie talkie out of my coat and pressed the button.
"Meeting in the common room." I said in a monotone voice, I was so terrified of the man I was falling for. I've seen him angry, but this? This was different, almost demonic. After everyone had gathered around Negan he began talking.
"You see these fine ladies standing in front of me? Ever since I've been married to them, some of them have gotten the bright idea to cheat on me. I thought the iron would send a clear message to everyone not to touch my wives but what do you know? They still fucking cheat! And for that, they're going to fucking pay!" He began twirling Lucille in his hand as he walked. "Dwight! Bring me a bottle of scotch!" A few moments later, he returned with the bottle Negan and I opened only hours ago. He began chugging like it was water.
"Let's play a game shall we? We all know how I feel about killing women, I'll kill men all god damn day, but I'm not afraid to kill a woman. Princess." Everyone met eyes with me, I leaned against the rails as Negan admired me.
"How of a shot are you?"
"Pretty good."
"I want you to come and get this revolver from me." I stood there for a second, unsure of what he had planned.
"Come on now darlin', don't be scared."
I walked down the stairs and grabbed the gun from him. "Now, take all the bullets out but three, spread them out so this is fun." I did as he said and spun the barrel, pushing it back in.
"Now I want you to go down the line and kill three of these women."
"Me? Why me?"
"You're my wife, my only wife now. You're one of the bosses, which means you have to take on this responsibility."
My hands shook as he spoke. Was he serious? "Princess, come on." I raised the revolver and pointed it to Sherry's head and pulled the trigger. Click.

I stepped over to Hanna and pulled the trigger. Click.

Then another, this time the gun fired, striking the woman in between the eyes.
"Holy shit! Look at that! Blow!" Negan chuckled, taking another drink of the scotch. "Please, don't let me interrupt." Tears were stinging my eyes as I moved down the line. Click.
"Negan. Please." I begged, looking over to him.
"Okay. This is your one "get out of jail free card." He took the gun from me and pulled out the cylinder, admiring the bullets.
"Let's change things up." He picked up Lucille and began whistling. Dwight stepped forward and blurted out, "Sir, this ain't right. You shouldn't punish the women."
"You're right. It takes two to tango. Get up here then Dwight, Kaleb, and Patrick." The three men stepped forward, fear in their eyes and their legs shaking.
"Dwight, I want you to take this bat and I want you to kill Sherry. I know this is fucked up, but I want you all to get it now."
"We get it." Hanna pleaded, tears streaming down her face.
"Do you? Well I guess that doesn't really matter now does it? She's already dead, one of you should've spoke up. Get out of my sight. From now on, I only have one wife. That doesn't mean I still can't punish all of you. Dwight, clean up the fucking mess." He tossed the scotch bottle next to the battered body of the dead wife and began walking away, leaving the alive women to mourn their loss. I couldn't stop myself from staring at the body, her face wasn't even recognizable, I killed her at close range and I didn't even know her name. Negan walked up the stairs and grabbed me by the waist, pulling me close so our bodies were touching.
    "Looks like you got what you want in the end huh?" He leaned me against the rails and kissed my jaw.
    "Negan, stop." I pushed him off of me and knew he wouldn't lay a hand on me, it was one of the things I admired most. 
    "Well shit, you're totally killing the mood."
      "Go sober up."
"We still need to finish what we started." He purred in my ear, grabbing my left cheek and grinning. He walked away, putting Lucille over his shoulder as he staggered towards his room. I sat on the metal ground, hanging my legs underneath the rails, letting them dangle. I laid my hands on the yellow bars and put my head on them, watching Dwight mop up the remains of the woman.

So this chapter was dark af lol. What did you think? Too dark? Not dark enough? This is the first story I've kinda wrote blindly, with my other ones I knew what I wanted to do. This one, I know exactly what I want to happen, my problem is just getting there. Let me know what you think. :)

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