(4) Free

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The door opened, allowing the bright sunlight to flood in.
"Hiya Alice." The man said, sliding a plate of meat over to me. "Come on now, sweetheart. You gotta eat, gotta have your energy."
"For what? To sit in here all day everyday while you pieces of shit have your way with me?"
"Couldn't have put it any better myself." He chuckled and I realized this was the perfect time to try to escape. It was now or never.

I swung my arm as hard as I could, my fist connecting to his cheek. He stumbled backwards from the impact and I hopped out of the train car. I grabbed his shirt and tossed him inside the car, quickly slamming the door shut and locking it. I started running towards the room where they kept everyone's things, I saw it yesterday before witnessing their gruesome ways to get food. I swung my backpack over my shoulder and grabbed my machete. I grabbed someone's shotgun and leather jacket and quickly pulled it on.
"Find her!" A man shouted, followed by the heavy steps of someone running. I pumped the shotgun and closed my eyes, trying to find the courage to fight my way out of this. I've had plenty of experience with walkers, but people? I've only killed one man, and I'll never forget the night.

It was the night after Shane opened Hershel's barn, Hershel had run off to a bar in town, Rick and Glenn followed. Lori was so worried about them she asked Daryl if he would go after them, after he said no, I offered to go.
"Thank you Alice. I definitely owe you one."
"Name the baby after me."

When I arrived at the bar, men were shooting at the men, I fired a couple warning shots but that didn't scare them off. The man I killed had his gun pointed at Glenn, I'll never forget the look on Glenn's face. He was terrified, all he thought of was Maggie. I didn't hesitate to shoot the man in the head.

"Alice! Come out, come out wherever you are!" I snapped out of the flashback and saw a man inching towards my hiding place. I jumped on his back and drove my pocket knife into his neck.
"Joe? Did you find her?" I slipped out the back door of the building and started running. Bullets were flying at me, none of them hitting me, they were aiming at my feet. I ran into a woman holding a sniper rifle she screamed and pushed me to the ground. She began straddling me, inching a knife closer and closer to my shoulder. I grabbed my machete and drove it into her neck. I watched as the light drained from her eyes and pushed her lifeless body off of me.
"Alice! You can't run forever! We'll find you!" Gareth yelled from on top of the roof. I gave him the finger and started running towards the chain link fence that would lead to my freedom.

I hopped the fence and started running through the woods, branches scratching my face and hands.

I fell to my knees and tried to catch my breath. Every part of my body ached, I pulled the leather jacket from my body and saw a huge wound on my shoulder.
"Fuck." I whispered as I ran my finger over the bleeding wound. I tied one of Daryl's bandannas over the wound to stop the bleeding. I pulled the jacket back on and kept walking through the woods.

- Glenn
I hacked up bile and groaned as I held my side. Being in this "decontamination" ward only left me to think. I always thought about Alice every single day, no one really mentioned her anymore. I wanted to, but Maggie says it's time to start grieving. A part of me thought that she was out there somewhere safe. That any day now she would walk through the prison gates with her signature smile and her sarcastic attitude. Carl believed the same thing, neither of us was ready to let go.
"Glenn, help me will you?"
"Another body?"
"They need to get back with that medicine, there's not much time left."
I helped put a body on the bloody gurney and Hershel and I wheeled it out of the ward, taking it to an empty hallway. Hershel pulled out his bible and said a few words before plunging a knife into the dead woman's temple.
"Hershel, can I ask you something?"
"No one else will listen to me anymore. But, uh, do you believe she's out there?"
"Who? Alison?"
"Alice knows how to handle herself. I for one think she's out there somewhere, but for as long as we've been separated, she's probably not in the state of Georgia anymore."
"Do you think we'll ever see her again?"
"That I don't know, but if you pray on it, sooner or later God will give you a sign."
I nodded and started coughing uncontrollably, coughing blood into my hand.
"That's not good is it?" Everything began to spin and I hit the concrete floor.

"Hello North Carolina." I muttered as I drove by the worn sign. I had no idea where I was going, but Virginia was definitely an idea. I knew my brother was there somewhere, maybe I'll find him and he'll help me find Rick. That seemed like a stretch but I was slowing running out of hope. Being alone this long has left me with nothing else to do than think. I needed something to keep me occupied, being on the road this long was slowly making me lose sanity.
The sun began to set and I was thankful, I had always preferred to drive at night time, it was relaxing. I turned on the headlights and kept speeding down the empty road.
                 Two Weeks Later
      I gripped onto the strap of my backpack as I walked through the abandoned town. My car broke down twenty miles back, leaving me on foot. Today has been really quiet, I haven't even seen a walker yet. The bushes rustled and a walker appeared, snapping its teeth and reaching out to me. He had black hair and was really pale, I thought about Glenn as I drove my knife into its skull. I fell to the ground and started weeping. In the distance I heard what sounded like a car, but I ignored it. I pulled out the small magnum and placed it to my temple. I rested my finger on the trigger as tears were blurring my vision.
        "I'm sorry Aaron."
   The gun was pulled from my hand and the gun went off, sending a bullet into the air. When I turned to see who had saved me, my breath was taken away. He wore a leather jacket and a red scarf, a smile was spread across his face.
        "Hi, I'm Negan."
   I started crying again and he helped me off the ground, ordering two men to fetch my things.
      "Why did you help me?" I asked, looking up to him.
      "Because darlin', I'm not a bad guy, I'm a savior."


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