(21) Death

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       I ran as fast as I could, my feet slamming on the pavement under me. My breath was hitched as I pushed forward, running towards the gunfire.
    "Rick!" I screamed, my throat aching from my cry.
     "Alice!" He screamed back, making my heart pound.

    "I'm going to Alexandria." I said, slinging a backpack over my shoulder.
    "I can't allow you to do that." Simon said crossing his arms.
     "You're not the boss of me."
   "And Negan is?" I scoffed and pushed past him, heading towards the gates.
    "Alice! " Simon called out. I turned and he motioned for me to come to him.
      "Let me take you."
"I'd rather walk."
"You sure? It sure is a dangerous world out there, hard to tell what could happen to ya. Negan would be very disappointed not only if I let you go, but if something happened to you, oh my there'd be hell to pay."
"Fine." He smirked and began walking over to one of the trucks, swinging the door open and climbing in.
"Your chariot awaits." He said with a sly smile and I rolled my eyes and climbed in beside him.

He hit another bump in the road, making me practically fly out of the seat.
"Sorry." He muttered as he shifted gears, increasing the speed of the truck.
"So what's so special about these Alexandria people?"
"They're my friends."
"What I'm asking is, were you with them when this whole mess started?"
"No. I was with Glenn."
"And Glenn is the one—"
"The one Negan beat to death in front of his family."
"What about ginger? Did you know him?"
"No, I didn't." I crossed my arms and stared out the window, watching the nature around me whiz by as we drove. Glenn was on my mind, making my heart ache and my eyes well up with tears.
"Here you are." He parked the truck and I didn't hesitate to climb out. Before I shut the door he quietly said, "I'm sorry about your friend."

I pulled open the gate and shut it behind me, my eyes scanned the streets and from afar I could see Negan. The gates opened again and a truck pulled in, in the drivers seat I could see Rick. My heart pounded as we locked eyes, the nightmare I had nights before replaying in my head. Rick grinned and got out of the truck, walking towards me. I embraced him and he chuckled.
"I didn't expect to see you."
"Are you okay?" I asked as I noticed he was sopping wet and blood covered his clothes.
"Risky supply run, but we found what we needed." Aaron began walking towards Rick and I and I hugged him as tight as I could.
"Alice, are you okay?"
"Me? What about you? You look like shit." He chuckled and our joy was cut short when one of the saviors began going through what they found.
"Congrats for winning, but you still lose? Did you leave us a note?" He held a crinkled piece of paper, his eyes locked with Aaron's.
"No, no. You got it all—" He was punched in the stomach and Rick stepped forward, only for a gun to be placed to his temple. My hands shook as I reached for the small magnum on my waist, I knew this was a risky move but I couldn't sit back and watch my brother get beaten up. I pulled the magnum and pointed it to the head of the man and he smirked.
"Careful darlin, you even know how to work that?" I tightened my grip and took a deep breath, ready to pull the trigger and end this man's life.
"Yes I do."
"Just because you're the bosses wife, doesn't mean you can boss me around."
"Yeah, but I can put a bullet through your skull." I growled, stepping towards him. He held his hands up, showing he was finished, then spit on the ground next to Aaron and began walking away.
"Are you okay?" I said as I helped pull him up.
"I'm fine. My hearts still beating." Rick put Aaron's arm around his shoulder and began walking down the street towards Negan.
"Hey, I'm going to go see Negan." I began jogging towards the outline of my husband.

"Alice, what the hell are you doing here?" He asked as he hit the cue ball, sending it flying across the table.
"I had one of your men bring me."
"I see." He grunted as he missed and stood up, leaning the pool cue against the table.
"Rick is a dangerous man." Spencer said, taking his turn and waiting for Negan's reply.
"Why not just kill Rick yourself and just take over?" My blood ran cold at their conversation, they acted like this wasn't a big deal, like I wasn't even here.
"No, that's not what I—"
"It's because you got no guts." Negan stabbed Spencer in the stomach, blood pouring out of his mouth as he fell to his knees, holding his intestines in his hand. The atmosphere around us changed, I could feel the sorrow in the air as a woman stared at Spencer's body. I assumed they were together by her facial expression, she was fighting back tears but refused to show it.
"You did have guts! They were inside you the whole time. I've never been so wrong in my whole life! Now, who's going to clean this up?" No one spoke as they stared in shock at what just happened. "Anyone want to play? I'm winning." The woman's chest began to rise and fall rapidly as she watched Negan gloat.

That's when she pulled a gun from her waistband and pulled the trigger.

"You shot Lucille!" My first instinct was to take the gun away from her and she was pinned to the ground.
"Who made this bullet?"
"It was me." Rosita growled as a knife was slid down her cheek.
"I don't believe you. Roxane, kill somebody."
"No! No!" Rosita cried out as she stood up and fired her gun, killing a woman who stood beside Carl.

"It was me!" A woman stepped forward, her voice shaking.
"No. It was me." A man uncovered his bloodshot eyes and sighed. "It was me."
"Rick, I'm going to relieve you of your bullet maker." Two saviors grabbed the man and Rosita began to sob as they walked him towards the trucks. Rick's eyes were welling up with tears as everyone began to part, leaving behind the sorrow and grief of Alexandria, the death that lingered.
"Rick, I'm so sorry." I said as tears welled up in my own eyes now.
"Just go."
"Rick." Tears streamed down my face as an arm was hooked under mine and began dragging me away.
"Rick!" I screamed, like he could help me, but the truth is, no one could.
"Rick please!" I screamed again, my cry cut out from my aching throat. Negan pushed me inside the truck and slammed the door, shaking his head and walking to the driver's seat.
"Alice. I'm only going to ask you this once, who's side are you on?"
"I'm on yours." I said with a smile, he nodded and started the truck, pulling out of Alexandria and heading towards home. Little did he know, I was lying, I wasn't on his side, not anymore.

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