(23) Fight Or Flight

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    "Be safe." Negan said, placing a kiss to my temple. I gave him a small smile and began to follow a group of his men to the trucks, only two trucks were going on a supply run, we were meeting King Ezekiel for his half. It was the perfect opportunity to try and get out of here. I wasn't sure on how I was going to do it, or where I was going to go, but I was leaving. I made the decision last night as I cried myself to sleep. Negan had fell asleep shortly after cuddling up to me, but not before doing his best to cheer me up, kissing my shoulder and telling me how sorry he was. I tried my hardest to forgive him as I laid there, but I couldn't. I won't deny that I don't love Negan, because I do, with every ounce of my being. But I knew I had to leave, I wasn't going to go to Alexandria or Hilltop, but I was going to leave.

   "Ready Alice?" Simon said, giving me a smile as he opened the passenger door for me. A weight fell onto my chest as a plan had popped into my head, I felt bad for whoever was going to be driving. The weight began to lighten as I spoke to Simon, trying to think of what my last words would be to him, he weren't the best of friends but he was good to talk to, he was a jackass to men but had a soft spot for women.
    "See you soon." He nodded and shut the door placing his hands where the window was.
    "Be careful out there." He said, patting the side of the truck, signaling they could leave. I stared at Negan as he watched Simon and I talk, Lucille over his shoulder but his signature smile wasn't there, it felt as if he knew what I was doing.

   "I'm telling you, if Morgan is there—"
   "Stop your whining. Jesus Christ." As they argued, he wasn't paying attention to his grip on the steering wheel, it loosened as his voice got louder and louder. I realized this was my opportunity to grab the wheel and turn straight towards a tree. We slammed into the trunk of the tree and I launched forward, my face colliding with the windshield. I felt my skin be sliced open from the shards of glass. I wasted no time to open my door and take off running through the woods.
     "What the fuck?!" I heard a man scream.
     "Alice!"  A gun fired, the bullet piercing a tree inches away from my shoulder, causing me to jump. My chest ached as I continued to run, pushing my legs to go as fast as they could, maybe even faster. My vision began to blur as I heard the sound of twigs snapping and leaves crunching, they were coming. My legs gave out and I fell, tumbling down the incline of the hill, fallen branches scratching my hands and face, a tree stopped me, my back chest colliding with it, taking my breath away. I gasped as I held my chest, trying to breathe.
    "Hey! I found her!" A man yelled through his cupped hands. I began to panic and drew my knife, driving it into his ankle and scurrying back to my feet.

  He screamed in pain as I continued to run, every part of me screaming to stop. I couldn't. If they caught me, who knows what they'd do me to me—beat me up, kill me and lie to Negan, say the supply run went wrong and I was caught in the crossfire, or maybe a walker took me by surprise while I was peeing in the woods. I saw a small cabin and began running towards it. Please be empty.

   My hands shook as I turned the doorknob, it was locked. Tears began streaming down my face as I began to pound on the door. In a few seconds the door was opened and I was face to face with Carol.

    "Alice? Is that you? Oh my god, your head, are you okay?" She pulled me inside and locked the door back.
     "Sit down." I pulled a chair out and sat at the table. She began pulling the curtains and headed towards the kitchen.
    "Are you being followed?"
  "It's a long story. I'll explain everything in a second." I groaned as I moved my fingers from my forehead and saw my blood soaking them. Carol put pressure on my forehead and I winced. 
  "Sorry, sorry." She taped a couple gauzes to my forehead. "Hold pressure." She peered out of the curtain and checked the other.
     "We'll give whatever your running from to give up and then I'm taking you to the kingdom to get your head stitched. Can't wait too long or you'll bleed out." I nodded and continued to apply pressure to my wound.
    "How'd you get cut?"
      "You were in a car accident?"
   "I caused the car to crash."
  I began to tell her everything, what happened after getting separated. She sat in silence and and tried to comprehend with what I had just said.
     "You were with Negan the whole time? We didn't kill him at the satellite outpost?"   
     "No. He's alive."
   "Is everyone else okay?" She said, locking eyes with me. I wanted to tell her about Glenn and Abraham, about Spencer, and the woman Rosita got killed, and how Eugene was at the Sanctuary, but there was a pounding on the door that made my heart sink.

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