(29) When One Door Closes

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Time dragged on as Negan sat in the cell. When it had felt like months had passed, it had been weeks. Late one night he opened his eyes to see that the door separating him from Alice's people was open, as the door that led outside was open. He rubbed his eyes, testing to see if his drowsiness was making him see things, it wasn't. That was when the realization had hit him, it was time to go.

He poked his head out, seeing that the streets were clear, and he took off, not caring he was leaving behind his beloved Lucille, he would come back for her, he had to. Otherwise, by the time it would take for him to find it, someone might realize he was no longer imprisoned. As he ran, all he could think about was how he was going to get to the Sanctuary on foot, with no weapon nor the advantage of daylight. His heart was racing as he was terrified, but wouldn't let himself break. The anger boiling through his veins carried him a few miles before the exhaustion had set in. He sighed as he sat in front of a tree, trying to collect his thoughts, planning where to go from here.

He noticed the fresh dirt beside him, something had been buried here recently. With his hands, he began to dig, and underneath the dirt laid his bat and his jacket, followed by a note.
"Don't fuck this up."

He shook the jacket, getting all the lose dirt off of it and shrugged it on, feeling like himself again. When Lucille was back in his hands, it felt like a king getting a crown. He was ready to continue the war, with or without his people behind him.

   He marched through the gates of the Sanctuary and began shouting orders, his men confused and in some sort of way, relieved that their leader had returned. He called a meeting and everyone gathered in the court yard as he stood above them, a huge smile on his face.
    "First, we go to the Hilltop, I want to get Alice and bring her home, after that, we're burning the place to the ground. Then we'll go to the Kingdom, before entering, we have to establish a plan to get rid of that god damn tiger. We need to establish that things haven't changed, we're still in charge. We'll hit Alexandria last, but before any of that begins, we need to prepare. I want as many Molotov's as you guys can craft, we'll meet again in a week."

    A week had passed, and Negan was more than ready to attack. On the way to the Hilltop, his stomach was in knots, he wasn't afraid of the war, he was afraid to see Alice, would she even look like herself?

  The answer to his question was yes. He picked up her limp body and began heading to the truck, the heat from the flames made him sweat, as the Hilltop was engulfed in flames. He watched as people scattered, some being shot on sight and others managed to make it into the woods, running towards where he assumed was Alexandria. Little did they know, Rick couldn't save them.

  "Sir? Are you sure you want to destroy the communities that give us supplies?"
     "We'll find our own. I want them all dead but Rick. He deserves to know how I felt sitting in that fucking cage."
  Next was the Kingdom, but unlike the Hilltop, they put up a bigger fight. Arrows were piercing Negan's men and their trucks. The sound of the tiger's roars echoed, the first one seemed to be a warning, but the gates opened and it was released, attacking anyone it could get it teeth into. My men began firing towards the tiger, giving the Kingdom's men a window to return fire. Men on horses began to ride through, piercing men with swords.
      "Now!" Someone shouted, throwing a Molotov over the wall, as many others did. A man on a horse charged straight for me, clotheslining me, taking my breath away. As he towered over me, the King held his hand up.
      "Not now. We take him to Rick."

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