"Hello, Baekhyun. How are you feeling now?" Chen rolled his eyes at how kind Kyungsoo sounded. The little one really cared about Baekhyun, Chen just couldn't help but to get annoyed at everything connected to him."I'm feeling okay now," Baekhyun smiled genuinely at everyone aside from the giant guy behind Kyungsoo. "Thank you for worrying about me guys."
"You've made us worried sick, Sir Baekhyun!" Kai cries.
Baekhyun chuckled. "Oh? Did I? I'm sorry!" He patted Kai's head. "I just had loads of work these passed few days."
"Do you think it's already time for us to hire another account executives?" Kyungsoo rubbed Chanyeol's arm sweetly. "And by the means of that, the company will absorb Kai and Sehun. Is it okay with you, babe?"
Baekhyun saw how Chen's reaction changed from being plain blank expression to a sour one the moment Kyungsoo called Chanyeol babe. He glared at his best friend trying to notify him to stop bitching especially when Kyungsoo's just around the corner. He started caring for him since he's been a good boss to him the whole time he spent inside Development Academy of Korea.
"Sounds good to me," Chanyeol shrugged and looked at the two interns beside Baekhyun's bed. "How about you two?"
"We'll be more than glad to accept it, Mr. Park!" The two beamed in unison, trying to hide the excitement in their eyes but failed in no further attempt.
Chanyeol nodded. "Then it's settled. It will be the three of you working starting tomorrow. Is it okay with you, Mr. Byun?"
It's already past five in the afternoon when Chen was the only one left with Baekhyun inside his room. Sehun and Kai went to the nearest convenience store to buy some snacks while Xiumin went home to get some clothes for Chen and Baekhyun. On the other hand, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo departed as early as they can since according to Kyungsoo they still have to meet their wedding organizer.
"So, tell me. . ." Chen placed his hand below his chin as a sign of interrogation. "Since when did you know that Chanyeol's your boss?"
"He's not my boss. Kyungsooㅡ"
"ㅡoh please, Byun. Don't act genius on me. We all know that Kyungsoo's your supervisor but without Chanyeol in the company, there's no Kyungsoo, Sehun, Kai, andㅡ"
Baekhyun waved his hands in dismissal. "ㅡstop it, okay? I get it already," he sighed. "It's been a week since I've learned that he's the CEO of the company to where I'm working at."
"We've been secretly talking behind Kyungsoo's back."
"Us? Do you two still have an us or just an ass?"
Baekhyun groaned. "You're not helping, camel-cheeked person."
"Oh. Said by the mochi-cheeked person," Chen mimicked Baekhyun's voice. It's late already when he realized that Chanyeol's the one who first called Baekhyun a mochi. "Moving on. . . How was it working with your ex-husband and his fiancé at the same time?"

[COMPLETED] Annulled
FanfictionSeven years ago, two persons met at the unexpected time and at a very unexpected reason. Neither both of them know that it will be each of them destined to be together, sharing vows in front of their friends. But none of us really know how fate work...