Into the woods

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__Thats Kat__

Alex's POV

Kat was driving the car. Luckily we reached the woods alive. I jumped out of the car.

"Thank god, i am alive " I said looking up at the sky.

"Come on i don't drive that bad "Kat said annoyed.

"Sure if your defination of driving safely is driving on the foot parth and thinking that the speed limit is above 70!" I yelled

A really angry Kat came to me stomping her feet like a five year old. 

She was going to say something but was cut of by the car radio.

"The club isn't the best place to find love-"

I jumped back into the car. Kat joined me. We started singing "shape of you" thats our jam. We love that song.

We started singing totally off key and dancing. If anyone saw us now we would be sent to a psychiatric hospital for urgent mental health issues. I sometimes forget why we are best friends things like this remind me why. Its because we both are crazy.

After 4 minutes of jamming to the song . We turned the radio off and jumped out of the car.

These woods were beautiful. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. It smelt so fresh like diffrent types of flowers and fresh mud. This place was gorgeous.

The tall trees looked like soldiers and  they were guarding something inside. The trees had small chirping birds.

"It's beautiful isn't it ?" Kat said mesmerized by the beauty of the woods. I simply nodded my head with a smile.

I looked down I saw a beautiful and delicate blue flower. It's petals were small and the inner side of the petals were purple. You could see small dew drops on it. It looked magnificent.

I quickly took out my camera out and took a picture.

These woods reminded me of peace and happiness. I was happy to be away from the busy city and in the nature's heart for a while.

Snap. I was cut of from my thoughts . I turned around to see Kat taking a picture of a butterfly on a flower. It looked stunning.

Kat smiled at me and pulled my hand running into the woods. I was curious to go in the deep heart of the forest and just explore something new and wonderful.

After roughly 3 hours of taking pictures and exploring. We sat down under a tree . Its surprising how these woods made me feel comfortable and at home even if its the first time we were here.

"I miss mom and dad" Kat said holding back tears.

"Come on now they are in a better place, you shouldn't be crying" I tried to comfort her.

She gave me her small smile. I knew she was going to break down and cry . I tried to change the topic.

"Come on lets go home, today is movie night !" I yelled happily.

"Omg !, I almost forgot about it lets go home. Its getting dark already we need to go and decide which movie to watch, what about Twilight" she squealed happily.

I am not such a big fan of Twilight because this might be the 10th time we are watching that movie this month. I really don't get it how can she not be bored of watching that moving again and again.

"Okay..." I said getting bored already.

"Then we need to order pizza, bring bed sheets to the TV room and my favorite soft toy, Daisy" She practically screamed.

I know you might be thinking she is 19 years old yet she has a big stuffed bear. The only thing i was intrested about was the pizza.

I was cut off from my thoughts when i heard a twig snap behind us. We both turned around instantly to be face to face with a pack of wolves. There might me 6 to 7 of them.


Xavier's POV
When we reached the woods I smelt the most amazing secent it smelt like roasted marshmallows with a tint of vanilla and beautiful fragrance of rose extract. It smelt amazing my wolf started howling like crazy.

"Do you smell that ?" Alec said taking a wiff of the air "It smells like lavender extract and caramel. It smells heavenly" he said smiling.

I was going to answer him but I heard a loud scream


My wolf said two words which scared the hell out of me and made me angry. I had an the urge to kill someone.

"Mate...Danger" Jace said . I let him take over and I turned into a wolf .

__Author's note__
Cliffhanger! I will wite the next chapter soon.

Thanks for reading.

Love you all😘

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