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Still in the past....after Jason meets Emily

_Jason's POV_

Isn't it funny that you can fall for a person so hard that it almost feels impossible to get back up on your feet. Emily was everything I prayed the moon goddess for after some time I lost hope I did not deserve a mate, I was a murderer, I am a monster, I am selfish, I am heartless, I am a horrible person, I am the worst thing in the world but worst of all I am a huge disappointment for Emily. She deserved a mate who was the complete opposite of me, a gentleman not a murderer.

I hate myself...

My wolf cried in my head. He was known as a fearless monster almost like the devil but now he was curled up in a ball who was in the far back of my head as he silently cried. My wolf was vulnerable, broken. He looked like a puppy who was about to die as the tears slipped from his almost dead eyes. His eyes shut close as the tears slipped.

_Emily's POV_

What have I done?! I can't take it anymore. I should be angry!! He..He is a monster but the way he pulled me into his chest felt so right as I could feel every spark as our skin made contact. I feel guilty but I want to go back to him and just hug him once I needed him.

I dreamed of a mate since I was a small child. The fact I did not have any parents was heart breaking. But after looking at Xavier's parents together. The way they finished each other's sentences and talk about almost anything with each other without getting bored was the best thing I had seen. I used to think that meeting my mate would be the best thing in my life but I have second thoughts I should have never met him in the first place. This hurts like hell, it's like exhaling and not breathing for ten seconds. It hurts my heart to see him in my mind every second of the day.

My wolf just cries and begs me to go back but I cannot trust him....

_Alex's POV_

I was going to meet Xavier's sister today. I was very excited. Xavier said that she is coming back from her collage in Oxford, she is majoring in photography.

Xavier was pacing around anxiously. I walked over to him and gave him a hug trying to calm him down.

"What's wrong Xav" I asked him as I rubbed circles on his back to calm him down. He bent down near my height and he placed his head in the crock of my neck and he took a whiff. I am never getting used to his weird habit.

"Em should be here 20 minutes ago where is she. Is she hurt? Did she lose her way? Did the rouges take her?.....or she doesn't want to go back to her big bro?" He asked as his eyes teared up. This is the reason I love him he cares for people so much.

"It's fine I bet she is in traffic or something" I said as I kissed his cheek. He just looked at me surprised.....did I just? I don't know what came over me. I looked away I bet I looked like a blood red tomato.

"Alex... I love you" Xavier whispered out still surprised with the kiss.

"Eww get a room you two, poor Bailey" Mike covered bailey's eyes. I quickly pulled away from Xavier and I swear I heard a low growl. Brian just stared at Mike with a small smile. Since Bailey came here Brian and Mike are acting like Bailey is their kid, it's so adorable. Bailey jumped out of Mike's arms and he tried to climb up on Brian's shoulder but failed and slipped luckily Mike caught him.

"See even Bailey doesn't like you" Xavier laughed as Mike glared at him.

Xavier stopped and started to sniff the air then his head snapped towards the door then he ran and opened it. There stood a girl who looked like 19-20. She had beautiful long blonde hair and baby blue eyes. She was wearing a strong vanilla perfume. A huge smile was plastered on her face she ran and wrapped her arms around Xavier. This was so cuteeeee. She then picked up Xavier and twirled him around! WHAT THE HELL?!! she has crazy strength. Xavier weights more than an elephant plus she looked so small and skinny.

"Stop stop you are embarrassing me front of my mate" Xavier said then her eyes snapped towards me.

"Is she your mate?" She asked. She doesn't like me I guess...

She then dropped Xavier to the floor like a old toy. I put my hand out for a shake hand but she pulled my hand and engulfed me in bear hug. "Yeah that's fine I don't exist" Xavier grunted and stood up.

"Oh my god she is so pretty, and she has a damn good fashion sense. Xavier is so lucky that he has a beautiful mate" She said with a huge smile. I blushed a bit when she said that I was Xavier's mate.

Xavier walked towards me and wrapped his arms around me "After all she is the Luna and my beautiful mate" I looked like a tomato I tried to hide my face in Xavier's chest, I heard a purr escape Xavier's chest. This is so awkward I was literally screaming in my head so that Kat could come and help me.

"Is this Emily?" I heard Kat. I mentally thanked god.

"I am sorry I don't know you" Emily said with a small smile.

"Hi I am Kat. Alex's friend she said pointing to me and I am Alec's mate" Kat smiled.

"Why didn't anyone tell me that you guys found your mates" Emily said to Xavier then she gave Emily a huge bear hug.

"Satan's here!!" Alec screamed he hid behind Kat.

"Ew how did you get uglier bro" Emily and Alec had a long glaring contest as Kat was awkwardly standing in the middle.

"Hello little sis" Alec continued glaring.

Luckily Mike broke the tension and ran towards Emily. "Gurllll you look finee" Brian said earning a low growl from Mike.

"Boi I am straight as tyre" Brian snapped his fingers sassily we all chuckled.

"Oh my god who is this?!!!" Emily asked as she hugged Bailey and Bailey wagged his tail and started licking Emily's face making Emily giggle.

"He is our new dog" Brian smiled proudly.

_Witches POV_

"Pofosalva Pofosalva vite mesa suirr enyta ja bhume na foue sha ma la" My fellow sisters chanted.

"Sssssaaahnnnn pefff seeehhhy naaaa laooo faualll sssssssaaaahhhhhhmmm seeee paaaaa faiiiiiiire killllllllllshhhh mollssooooooooo" My sisters in the black hoodies chanted with me. I can make out the creeping smiles which rose on their faces as the chants got louder and louder. They all held their candles in their left hand as they slowly walked closer and closer to the wooden door. The chants got more louder as we reached the door then bam.....silence. All our candles blow out....1...2...3...4...5! The door is on fire we watch it as it burns down to ashes as the flames rise higher and higher.

Then she climbs up on the stage our queen. She wears a similar kind of hoodie like dress but hers has golden lining on it. Her eyes glowed golden yellow and she suddenly fell down and started screaming. I could no longer see her as some of my sisters blocked my way but I could make out what was happening due to the huge shadow on the cave wall. She gave out another soul shattering scream and her bones cracked and deformed I could see some of her blood oozing out. Then the shadow grew larger and larger and larger. I could no longer see our queen but a glimpse of a monster. All my other sisters cheered.

_Author's note_

I know, I know you guys probably hate me for not updating. I am not going to lie and say I was busy but honestly I was bored. I didn't like this story at all but I am continuing because a lot of you people were telling me to update which is very sweet of you and I appreciate this and thank you.

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