Meeting Brian and Mike

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__That's Brian. Its not a clear picture and imagine his hair a bit darker. Remember none of the pictures belong to me. I found all of these pictures on a beautiful place called the internet__

Alex's POV
I woke up but I still kept my eyes closed and did not move. Because as you all know I am the laziest person alive.

My bedsheets were very soft and silky, It felt like I was sleeping on a polar bear.

I was feeling very comfortable. The bed was warm and comfy. I slowly shifted towards the source of heat.

Then I noticed something diffrent! Two muscular arms were wrapping my waist.

Omg! Omg! I am in bed with a man! My back was pressed against his eight pack. I could actually feel his abs. This is very weird but I felt really safe, protected and loved.

Then it hit me like a brick, Last nights memories flooded my head. Shiz I was kidnapped last night. I suddenly paniced.

I then tried to calm myself down and slowed down my breathing. I decided to play this on the safe side. I will show that I put my guard down by acting like I am sleeping and escape on the right time with Kat.

I was good at fake sleeping, so I did what I could.

Suddenly an alarm started beeping.

BEEP, BEEP, BEEP. I tried my best not to break his alarm clock too.

"Urghhh" Mr Sniffer moaned lazily. He took the alarm clock and threw it across the room breaking it into thousand pieces.

On the bright side atleast Mr Sniffer and I have something comman.

Wait why do I care. He is my kidnapper who cares we have things in comman.

"Good morning princess" he whispered in his morning voice. His morning voice was amazing and it was deeper. I tried to ignore the part where he called me princess. I absolutely hate it when someone calls me princess. Its just too cheesy for me.

He stood up and left I felt the warmth disappeared from the bed almost instantly.

He opened a door maybe the bathroom because I heard someone start the shower.

Maybe this was a perfect time to escape, wait no, no.. I need to take time to make up a plan.

Let me analyse this. He groaned when he woke up that clearly means he did not want to wake up plus he threw the alarm clock. Insead of waking up he could have clearly go back to sleep. Today is also monday which is a working day. This room is also beautiful so the house must be expensive. He must be living with his friends not his parents, If he was living with his parents he would not have brought me here after kidnapping me. This leaves me with one conclusion he might have a job to pay for this house and today is monday so he must be leaving for work. {Note sometimes Alex tends to over analyse simple stuff because her inner Sherlock wakes up}

I heard the water stop so he might be comming out so I can continue fake sleeping and when he leaves I will find Kat and we will run the hell out of here.

After sometime I heard the water stop after 10 minutes he came out.

"I have waited for you so long" He said.
Then he left the room.

Ummm... what the fudge I was right he is a creepy stalker.

I waited for 10 minutes making sure he would not return.

Time for part B of the plan finding Kat.

I slowly tiptoed out of the room while whisper-singing "tip toes in my jordans".

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