The rogues attack

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__Quote of the day!! By the way I am going to be switching the POVs a lot in this chapter sorry for the inconvenience.__

Xavier's POV

My midnight blue fur was covered with claw marks and blood. I kept fighting on. I was very disappointed as few rogues had slipped into our territory. I was determined to find Jason so I fought through the crowd of wolves.

I had this familiar metallic taste of blood in my mouth of blood. I have to keep on fighting I am the Alpha!

"Brian lead the west side!, Mike lead the east side and Jay stay with me. We have to win this" I used my Alpha tone on the pack mind link.

"Yes Alpha" They replied as they sprinted to their positions, while I lead the centre.

A wolf pounced on me in hope of knocking me down. I smirked thinking how foolish he could be to attack an Alpha.

I swiftly swiped my paw across his face knocking him unconscious to the ground..... Idiot.

Then I pounced on another wolf. I twisted my paws around his neck while digging my claws in his neck, blood gushed out of the freshly scratched wound. He struggled but stopped and I dropped his lifeless body to the ground.

As his body dropped I saw a wolf it had pearly white fur and red eyes. A scar ran across his face.....Jason.

Alex's POV

Just ten minutes after Xavier left we heard the front door break down.

"Stay with me" Alec commanded.

We tried to take anything which could be used as a weapon.

We stood in a fighting stance ready for them. We looked like the power puff girls. Alec was standing in the middle with Kat on his right and me on his left. I grabbed a lamp while Kat took a long piece of cloth. She choose a piece of cloth over all this frigging furniture in this room!

I could hear the shattering of glass which made my heart jump. They were coming. We had no idea how many they were, which scared me more.

They were destroying everything in their way. The sound of the shattering glass and breaking furniture got louder they were getting closer....

Kat purposefully left the door slightly open because if we locked it they might become suspicious. As this is a huge house, so she said that they won't open every single door but we are still being on the safe side by taking weapons. Not exactly weapons but you get what I am saying.

"They are here, I can sense their scent" Alec whispered. Wait if Alec can smell their scent so can they. They can also smell our scent!! What was the use of unlocking the door. Kat is an idiot.

My heartbeat quickened when everything went dead silent. You could not hear the growling of the wolves or the destruction they were causing. The silence terrified me as I was not that familiar to it, because of Kat as she would never shut up.

"Screech" You could hear the sickening sound of someone clawing on the door it felt like that weirdo in your class who would scratch his nails on the chalkboard, just to annoy you.

They were here.

"Thud" They broke down the door. There were four huge rouges standing in front of us growling..... Idiots! The door was already open!!! I bet they just wanted to have a dramatic entrance.

"The door was already open you did not need to break it down!! This is as simple as it gets, see I will break this down for you. First step you just simply had to gently push the door. Second step the door opens. Tada!!!" I said annoyed. I guess the rouges did not like that so they started snarling at us.

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