Someone in the black hoodie

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__Thanks a lot for giving me the idea for this wonderful new title__

I am in love with this song.

"Wake up Alex" Kat shook me.

"sfiqueqtokmkvjjjjmes" I whispered while drooling in my sleep. Don't judge me I am not like most girls who wake up with perfect hair and skin.

"Alex wake up now" Kat said.


Oh my god she is so annoying. I am not going to bother to respond. After some time I heard footsteps leaving the room and the door closing. At-last! I sighted in relief and went back to sleep.

I woke up when I felt something cold splash against my skin. I snapped my eyes open while blinking like a maniac. I saw a blurry image of a girl holding a bucket.

I rubbed my eyes trying to regain my vision. I saw Kat rolling on the floor while laughing her ass off. I stood up and climbed of my wet and ice cold bed but I slipped instead and landed on Kat. This is my turn to laugh.

She stood up and I rose my hand towards her hoping that she will help me up.

"Aren't you going to help me up? I am your best friend" I asked full of hope.

"Remember if you fall down I will always help you up after I finish laughing and taking embarrassing pictures of you" Kat said while taking my pictures.

"As we are best friends I am going to give you advise which you might find helpful" I said.

"What?" She asked challenging me.

"You better run bitch" I yelled. She screamed and ran out of the room. I followed her throughout the long hallway.

She is so fast I regret stuffing my face with Nutella while she took laps of the football field. The only time I did exercise was at the gym but mostly opening and closing the fridge door.

I accidentally bumped into somebody while running. I looked up to see a girl.

"Oh my god I am so sorry I was not looking where I was going" She said. Then she looked at me weirdly.

"Umm Are you sweating?" She asked.

"No you see my friend Kat, she woke me up. Unlike other normal people she does not wake the person up by opening the window or snatching the blankets she prefers to throw ice cold water on the person for a early morning wakeup call" I said. She laughed.

"Sorry I need to hurry I need to take care of something. By the way my name is Amelia" She said while rushing away. I have to admit she looked good like I can imagine many people swooning over her. She also sounded like a pretty nice person.

I randomly opened doors trying to find Kat.

I came across a giant red door it was locked and really wanted to see what was inside so I picked the lock using my hair pins.

This room looked grand like the carpet was royal red and the wallpaper was were bold. There was a huge painting of a pack of wolves who were howling at the moon. The painting held a lot of emotion making me wonder what is the painter trying to express. There were portraits on the wall too. The people in the portraits looked like some kind of leaders. The portraits had labels like "Alpha something" for males for females it was "Luna something". I guess it might be a family tradition to name boys Alpha in this family because Xavier's name is also Alpha.

I walked around admiring this room. The room was like a part of a museum, it was interesting and it also had a glint of mystery to it. I approached a small bookshelf all the books in this shelf were red but only one was a coffee brown. I picked the coffee brown book. I scrolled through the pages this book was like a timeline. I noticed some people in this book were from 1600s. I kept on scrolling through the book until I found a page which said 1997-2017. I looked at the picture to see the people in it...

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