Chapter 2

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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀< Poppy's POV >

Poppy's breath was driven from her body and seemed to just be replaced with pure panic.

Auburn's orange eyes were full of fear and a slight trace of grief. Was he afraid that the retired King was dead or close to it?

Poppy shook herself and scrambled to her feet, her heart hammering against her chest. "Take me to him!" she demanded in a frenzied tone.

Auburn nodded and raced off, Poppy following close at his heels. Was her father okay? Was he dying? After all, he was pretty old. Oh, please let him be well!

Auburn led Poppy straight into the former King's home. He did not live with Poppy, stating that she needed space to make her own decisions instead of having him guide her. He reminded her that he wouldn't be around much longer, but she hadn't paid too close attention to his words. How could I be so ignorant? she thought with anger.

Poppy thrust open the door of her father's home and rushed inside, finding the old orange-skinned Troll with frizzy, gray-streaked pink hair laying on his back in his bed. He appeared to be sleeping, and Poppy noticed the rate of his breathing was extremely slow.

"Dad!" she called, her voice choked with emotion. He was her only family left. Her mother had died weeks after her birth, and she had zero memory of her. Her father had raised her alone, teaching her the ways of royalty but also allowing her to make her own decisions. But now he looked like a stone, stiff and unmoving, his arms and legs sprawled out around him.

Poppy's eyes welled up with tears and she raced to the side of his bed, immediately resting a hand on his chest. The gentle patter of his heart fluttered underneath her palm, and a flicker of hope sparked in her stomach. Would he be okay? The shallowness of his breathing still made her beyond anxious.

"Poppy?" the sympathetic voice of Branch made her spin around.

The handsome blue Troll was staring at her with concern glistening in his brilliant azure orbs. "Are...are you okay?" he asked, though the way the words tumbled out of his mouth made her realize he already knew the answer.

Poppy turned her head, not wanting to meet his sweet gaze.

She looked back up as she saw all her closest friends standing in the doorway of her father's house, their eyes fearful and nervous.

"Will he be okay?" Chenille asked, her twin sister Satin (who was connected to her by the hair) nodding in agreement.

DJ Suki, Guy Diamond, Smidge, Cooper, Biggie,  Fuzzbert, and Mr. Dinkles were all giving her sympathetic gazes and she felt the amazing warmth of support and care. Her friends had always been there with her, replacing her siblings that never existed. As a child, she longed for a brother or a sister to play with when she saw many other Troll kids who had them. But they had come into her life, ridding completely of that desperate want. Creek had been among them at first. But now the idiotic purple Troll with blue and green hair, always wearing bright yellow pants and no shirt, had betrayed her. He was once her crush. She had loved him so crazily she felt drunk. He was caring, wise, and sweet. Everything she looked for in a male. But he had promised to lead the Bergens to Troll Village back in their former home if King Gristle (the current King of Bergentown) didn't eat him. He cared more about his own life than his friends'. Poppy resented him greatly for that. She remembered attempting to suffocate him with her hair that was able to stretch up to great sizes and help her preform tasks better. But she had been stopped by her friends, reminding her that violent actions were not the answer.

She still wondered where her former love interest was. Probably eaten by Chef, the evil Bergen who tried to kill them all with her own ambition to be Queen.

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