Question #2

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Question: How am I able to be so descriptive?

Question is from Crazy_Cartoon_Lover

Answer: Eek, well, umm it's kinda hard to explain. I read like a lot. Reading can help your creativity expand as well as your vocabulary. But I also speak French (Je parle française) so that has helped. How, you might ask? Well, learning another language helps your grammar and vocabulary in your first language much better. So that's why I'm able to use different, more advanced words.

I also have this little trick I do. I'm able to absorb the feelings of another person if I think hard enough so what I have to do is think about how, example: Branch and Poppy are feeling. I first think about their personality and how that might affect their reactions to things. I can describe the feelings because I have felt them myself. Let's take pain for an example. I just think about what I experience during pain. A nice go-to I have is when I broke my toe back in 2015. I think about what went through me during that moment and that's how I could describe Branch's pain when he was stabbed.

You just have to think about these emotions/feelings. Don't just say the characters are doing something, describe it. Describe how they move, describe their expression, describe what they might be feeling. Also, when you're bringing your character into a new place, describe the surroundings so your reader can imagine everything better. Becoming a detailed author is not something that'll come overnight. I worked for years to be like this. But others might have some talent to improve in just a few weeks or days. (I envy you if you can smh)

Also, I try to use different words that mean the same thing. Constantly using the word "sad" when describing your character's emotion can become bland after a while. You can get on the online thesaurus and look up equivalents to the word you're using. It helps you seem more advanced. If you work hard enough for it, your grammar and descriptiveness will improve tremendously. Hope this helped answer your question :P

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