Chapter 17

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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀< Poppy's POV >

Poppy watched the room around her, laying on her side on the coldness of the ground. She saw Branch in his cage, staring at her with tearful eyes. She curled up tighter in a ball, her bright pink eyes locking on the door across the room.

Creek and Chef had been gone for hours, and neither Poppy nor Branch had muttered a word since. The Troll Queen didn't understand why this was happening. She thought the Bergens and Trolls had made up, and that Chef had been banished.

Suddenly, the entrance flew open, and Chef came strutting in with Creek sitting on her shoulder as usual. She lifted the calm purple Troll off her by the tip of his hair and set him down near Poppy and Branch.

"In case any of you get ideas, I have brought you a guard," Chef explained.

Creek watched the other two with an unreadable gaze.

Poppy didn't look at him. She didn't want to. He disgusted her more than any English word would explain. She teared up slightly. She had loved this Troll with all her heart once, thought she had wanted to marry him, but that all changed when he sold them out. When he sold out all his friends, sold out her.

Chef sighed and turned away, leaving the room. The sound of the door closing told Poppy she'd gone.

The slight patter of footsteps against the wooden ground made Poppy turn. She was half hoping it was Branch somehow escaping his prison, and coming to fetch her.

But to her surprise, it was Creek. He stared down at her pitifully. "Shame, isn't it?" he chuckled. "You wouldn't be in this situation if you'd just let with you..."

Poppy snarled at him. Her chained up limbs prevented her from swatting up away. "Your actions told me you didn't love me! Why should we be together if we don't even love each other?" she screeched.

Creek sighed. "I know you still love me. You keep telling yourself you don't, but we both know that's a lie." His eyes sparked with triumph as Poppy flinched.

"I used to love you, Creek!" Poppy corrected. "I thought we'd get married, I thought I'd spend the rest of my life with you, but that's all changed. All because you don't care about anyone but yourself! Branch has been a million times better to me than you ever were!"

Creek glanced over at Branch who was watching them with a wary, yet curious, gaze. "He's dangerous, Poppy," the meditator told her. "All he wants to do is attack to solve every problem. Is that really what you should look for in a King of Troll Tree? I'd settle issues with words and kindness if I could."

"See! You don't love me! You just want to be able to get away with everything!" Poppy cried out, tears flowing from her eyes. "I need to have a King who'll treat me good, just like I will treat him good. A King and Queen are not just there to rule over and boss everyone around! They're not there to break rules and get away with it! They're there to spread happiness, to treat everyone like a sibling, and to make sure everyone is comfortable with the lifestyle. You understand none of that! But Branch and I do!" Her blood roared in her eyes, steaming through her veins.

"Like I said, we both know you still have feelings for me," Creek went on as if she'd never spoken.

"Hey! That's enough!" Branch snapped from where he was sitting in his cage. "This not the time to argue!"

Creek turned to the blue Troll. "Says the one who always does argue," he scoffed. "But okay, Branchie. Whatever you wish. I'll just be here, keeping guard. Remember I can hear everything you say so don't even dream of planning an escape route."

The purple Troll moved back into his neat composure with his legs crisscrossed and his arms held out. His eyes shut closed, but Poppy knew very well he was wide awake and could sense every little thing.

She looked over at Branch who returned her gaze sorrowfully.

"I'm sorry, Poppy," he muttered. "This is my fault."

"How?" Poppy asked. "You had no control over this! No knowledge that it would happen."

"I should've been staying in the village so I could keep you safe. Now you're here." The blue male sat back down, resting his hands in his lap and staring at the rusty floor of his cage.

"If that's the case, then it's my fault for following you," she retorted.

Branch glanced at her. "Poppy, don't blame yourself please."

"Then you stop blaming yourself!" she grumbled, turning her head away and stuffing her face into her legs that were curled up close to her face. She was in a sort of sleeping-kitten pose.

"Are you two done now?" Creek called from where he was sitting. His eyes were still closed but his pricked pointy ears told her he was listening to every word tumbling from their mouths. "I'm in deep concentration right now, and I'd prefer not to be disturbed."

"Then why did you agree to guard us, idiot?" Poppy growled.

One of the meditator's dark eyes flickered open, meeting her gaze intensely. He slowly rose to his feet, both eyes fully open now. He walked in her direction in a slow, threatening away until he halted abruptly in front of her. "Sass-talking me, heh?" he muttered. "You know I could call Chef in here anytime to eat you. To eat both of you! So I'd shut your mouth if I were you, Princess! And yes, I know you're Queen! But you sure don't seem cut out for the position. Letting yourself be taken. Bad leadership qualities, Poppy." The purple Troll shook his head and walked off, getting back into his meditating position.

Better me than everyone else, Poppy thought. At least I'm not selfish like Creek. He'd bargain with the Bergens again just so all his friends would be locked up here instead of him.

But suddenly, the door flew open again. Poppy expected Chef to come storming in, perhaps with a knife in her hands.

But the least expected thing happened. Poppy did not think she'd ever see this Bergen again in her life.

Standing in the doorway...was Bridget.

Yay! The end for this chapter!

Let's get to the question, shall we?

Did you see Trolls in the theaters?

No I didn't because my dad thought it was stupid and wouldn't take me. I had to wait until it was out on DVD.

Trolls Fanfiction: Blue PoppyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang