Chapter 22

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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Poppy's POV >

Another week passed. Poppy had a lot of improvement in her recovery. She was no longer under the threat of death and Branch was walking much more easily. The doctor said they'd be released from the hospital tomorrow.

The Troll Queen smiled at the thought of seeing her friends again. They had no idea she was pregnant and she could just imagine their delighted faces when she would tell them. In fact, Poppy saw her baby-bump was coming in.

The happiness she'd been feeling sped up her healing, and it seemed to be working on Branch as well. Time to get back to singing, dancing, hugging, and scrapbooking tomorrow! Oh, and handling Creek.

She would be given the traitor tomorrow. Ideas for his punishment were pulsing through her and giving her a sort of dark excitement. Poppy was not all cupcakes and rainbows. After all, there's always some kind of shadow in the sunlight. She was feeling the strength of her father coursing through her. She knew she'd be a good leader like him—not as good—and would take pride in her work. Creek was going to feel her "knives" against his skin. Oh, this'll be much worse than any knife. He'll be begging for mercy!

Poppy realized her heart rate was speeding up dramatically. She relaxed and pressed herself against the pillow of her bed. Her sides were aching, and her head just felt badly bruised. She needed to calm herself before she reopened a wound. "But I can't help it," she muttered aloud.

Thankfully, in the last three days, Poppy had been moved to a different room. (Since urgent care wasn't needed for her anymore.) She was now right next to Branch's room, and it was easy for them to cross over and visit each other at any given time. We'll have our wedding soon, Branch. And then I can crown you King of Troll Tree. You deserve it. She felt her heart swelling with emotion. Branch was certainly the only Troll in the entire universe she wanted to marry, raise a baby with, and die beside.

She had always seen Branch as a crabby, cynical survivalist before earning his true colors back. He had pushed everyone aside, doing nothing but making preparations for a possible Bergen attack. He had been right, and everyone was ashamed for judging him. All the collecting and stocking up he did helped him save all of Poppy's friends. She would've died out in the wilderness, eaten by spiders, if the grumpy gray male had not saved her. But now he was bright blue, with a hint of pink dotting both his cheeks, his hair a much darker shade of blue, and his eyes azure and more filled with vivacity and energy.

She blushed at the thought of him. She wanted to go over and see him. She too had been given a pair of crutches to help her walk. Fortunately, she had no broken bones which was kind of a surprise. Creek had injured her pretty badly. But now she was healing as if this was just a knee scrape, and her energetic personality that was filled with happiness was returning finally. She had recovered from Peppy's death, from Creek brutally attacking her twice, and from the fear of almost losing her love.

Poppy slipped off her bed, struggling towards her crutches that were propped up against the side. She positioned them under her arms and began hauling herself towards the door. She wanted to see Branch. She missed him more and more as she continuously thought of him. His brilliant blue gaze, his gentle smile, his soft dark hair. All of it. She just wanted to see him.

She awkwardly lifted one hand from a crutch and gripped the doorknob, turning it and sighing with relief as she successfully opened it. She carried herself out the door, not even bothering to close it. It would just be too hard for her. Technically, she was supposed to have the doctor here to guide her, but she didn't feel like waiting for him to come in and check up on her. The desperation to see Branch had become torture.

She approached his door just to her side and bumped it slightly with the foot of one crutch. She waited eagerly, impatience stirring inside her. But she knew she had to wait for a bit. Branch had crutches too and she knew he'd be alone in his room.

"Branch! It's Poppy!" she said in a melodic tone. The door flew open and she saw Branch actually standing without his supportive implements to hold him upright.

"Why are you not using the crutches? Oh, Branch, you're going to fall!" Poppy awkwardly bustled inside, her crutches making the task a bit difficult and irritating. She hauled herself into Branch's room, gazing around briefly before looking at him again.

"I think I can walk better now," Branch explained. He took a shaky step, his leg faltering and making him stumble. He gasped in shock but soon balanced himself right once again. But he soon gave up and relaxed against the wall.

"Yeah, and I'm just a mouse," Poppy replied to his statement with a sarcastic tone laced in amusement. "Honestly Branch, no one can recover from a side wound like that just overnight."

"I know, Pops," Branch said sweetly. "So I'll do this for you." He grabbed a single crutch in his strong, brawny hand and propped it up under his armpit. "Better?"


The blue Troll limped towards her as she settled herself on his bed and let her crutches lean against the side. She laid back, ignoring the slight stings of pain shooing through her. Branch sat down beside her, his legs sprawled out beside him away from his injury. He used his fingers to gently twirl them through her soft pink hair. "I missed all this," he confessed.

"So did I," Poppy agreed. "But it'll all come back soon. We're going back to everyone tomorrow, remember?"

"Yes, I remember," the bright blue male replied in a smile. "Then we can finally have that wedding. Damn, I can't wait to marry you. And to have our baby." He placed his hand softly on her belly and swirled his thumb gently.

"Hey, I can see a bump." There was pride in his voice as he spoke.

Poppy smiled widely. Branch was so adorable when showing how proud he was. "I'm glad it's your baby, and not Creek's," she said. "I'd be scared to death as to what Creek would do if if was."

Branch moved closer to her, wincing as he suddenly looked in pain. Poppy gave him a quick warning to be careful, but he just shrugged and pressed himself more against her. "Creek doesn't deserve love. He'd only want to have a child with you to become King. But I want to have a child with you so I know we're truly connected and truly in love." He nuzzled her face gently with his large pale purple nose. "I love you."

"I love you too, Branch," Poppy said warmly. His words were quite comforting and relieving for the craziness they'd experienced lately. She felt his warm hand grasp her much smaller one, and he held it tightly as he leaned down to kiss her forehead. But soon his mouth moved to her lips, and he brought her back into that wonderfulness of his face against hers, their breath intermixing, and that sweat staring to dribble slightly from their bodies as heat bubbled up inside them. Poppy's heart raced in her chest, excited and completely thrilled by the beautiful moment she shared with her partner. This was truly the happiness she had been asking for.

Thank you for reading! I appreciate it all so, so much!

Question time!

If you could marry a character from Trolls, who would it be and why?

My answer:
Guy Diamond because he's just so beautiful and cute and ahdjsjsjwiwoso

Give me your answer in the comments and don't forget to vote!

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