Chapter 23

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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀< Poppy's POV >
(Eek, three chapters in a row from Poppy's perspective. The next one will be from Branch's, I promise XD)

Poppy was guided outside, the warm spring air swirling around her and gliding over her skin. She took a deep breath. She had not been outside in over two weeks, since she'd been recovering from her injuries for so long. A few doctors were with her and Branch as they helped them exit the building.

Today Poppy would see her closest friends and every Troll in Troll Tree. She smiled at the thought, moving closer to Branch as they awkwardly shuffled on, using nothing but their crutches to get around.

"Be careful," one of the doctors warned. "I understand you're excited, but your wounds are still a little tender. Take it easy."

Poppy glanced over at the doctor, a purple female with darker hair. She blinked apologetically. "Sorry," she muttered. "We will be careful."

The doctor nodded in response.

The whole village halted with their activities, their eyes wide and excited, as they turned to see Poppy's and Branch's entrance. They broke out in a burst of cheering.

"Poppy! You're back!"

"We missed you!"

"Are you okay?"

"What are we going to do with Creek?"

She was overwhelmed by the statements and questions thrown at her. She did not answer anyone, because something else caught her attention. There she saw all of her friends standing there together: Biggie, Mr. Dinkles, Smidge, Cooper, Guy Diamond, DJ Suki, Satin, Chenille, and Fuzzbert.

They ran over to her in trills of excitement and relief. "Poppy!" Satin and Chenille bellowed at the same time. The conjoined twins moved themselves close to her, helping her to walk across the grass. DJ's eyes were alighted with happiness as she moved herself closer to Guy Diamond, watching Poppy through her bright red eyes.

Poppy smiled for the two. They must've gotten together while she was in the hospital recovering. "Everyone, I have a big announcement!" the Troll Queen yelled happily.

Everyone fell silent, their gazes upon her and their expressions expectant and patient. She truly felt like a leader, with every Troll staring at her with inspiration glimmering in each of their eyes.

"I'm expecting a baby," she told them in a prideful tone.

Everyone gasped in shock, but once again erupted into shouts of pure joy.

Suki moved over to her. "It's Branch's, right? Not Creek's?" She looked a little nervous as she asked the question.

Poppy smiled reassuringly to her best friend. "It's Branch's, don't worry," she replied.

Branch was standing nearby. Since he wasn't as wounded as she was, he had been moved to only one crutch. He was staring at her with a loving gaze and she felt her heart burst with affection for the brawny blue male.

A few hours later.

Poppy smirked viciously as a cage was lowered down to her. Though she was awkwardly propped up with her crutches, she wore a different dress now and her formal crown Peppy had given her. Bridget was here. She could tell the pale-skinned Bergen Queen was grieving dearly for her lost husband, but she was just as rage-filled as she handed over the only Troll Poppy hated.

Creek stared up at her, his eyes bloodshot, dirt staining his soft purple skin, and streaks of blood across his body. He was trembling just slightly under her penetrating pink gaze.

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