Chapter 19

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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Branch's POV >

Pain was all that shot through Branch's body, the only feeling he had become familiar with. Warm, sticky blood surrounded his wound, the irony stench filling his nose. He was too tired and too groggy to gag from it.

The male Troll opened a single eye, his vision quite blurry and dizziness enfolding him. A slight grumbling sound escaping his parted lips, and when he tried to move, the agony just bolted right through him again like lightning. He winced sharply, gritting his teeth. Where was he? More importantly, where was Poppy?

His vision began clearing up and he could make out a purple blob standing over him. "Awake, I see?" It was Creek. He knew the voice way too well at this point.

Branch wanted to launch himself forward and tackle the stupid Troll, but his flank wound held him to the floor. He couldn't even manage to talk. He needed to know where Poppy was and that she was safe.

Creek moved his face closer and Branch could see it as clear as day. He was extremely near-sighted at the moment. "Wh-where....?" Branch's voice trailed off. He tried to muster the strength, but it just wouldn't come to him.

"Where's Poppy?" Creek guessed. "You really can't let her go, can you?"

I'm gonna marry her soon, idiot. Of course I can't, Branch thought. He wanted to say the words aloud, but still, his vocal cords seemed broken and shattered.

Branch gasped as pain grappled onto him, and more blood flowed from his side. I'm gonna die! he thought. No, this couldn't be happening. He had a life ahead with Poppy. A future to look forward to. He couldn't leave her like this. He was all she had left. He was starting to feel light-headed, shaky, and the iciness of blood-loss numbing his hands.

"Branch! Branch!" Poppy's voice came from across the room, but it seemed to echo around the blue Troll's mind like hundreds of sirens.

"Branch, help!" Poppy shrieked. Her words ended in a bowl of pain.

Branch's heart sped up as fear and anger pulsed through his veins. Was Creek doing something. Please, give me strength. I can't let him hurt her! The blue male tensed his muscles, attempting to turn himself over. He knew Poppy was facing his back.

He yelped sharply in pain as his wound let out a burst of crimson liquid. He ignored it the best he could, his eyes locking on Creek who was practically shoving his hands all over Poppy.

"No..." Branch whimpered. He couldn't move. The agony was too much for him. He was glued to the floor, not being able to do anything but watch as the meditator leaped on top of Poppy. He heard the slight slap of a hand against skin as Creek slammed his palm against the Troll Queen's beaten face.

"Poppy...I-I'm sorry..." On the outside, he looked calm and like he was okay with what was happening in front of him. But his internal perspective was completely different. He was screaming and crying inwardly, desperation clawing at him like a wolf. Is Creek trying to kill both of us?

But suddenly, a shout of rage sounded across the room, seeming to be outside of the glass enclosure the three Trolls were in. A stubby, fat hand reached down and scooped up Creek. He thought it was Chef, but the skin tone was different and the hand did not look like hers at all. It was much smaller and chubbier.

Bridget? Branch wondered. His eyesight was still too gloomy to tell. He was now seeing black spots crowd around the edges of his vision, and a sheet of blackness swept over him as he was thrown unconscious once again.

Branch's eyes flickered back open after what seemed like hours...or days. He had no idea where he was, and actually thought for a split second that he was dead. The softness of a blanket surrounded him, and he felt the pain in his side still as sharp as ever. Where was he now? Was he being set up for even more torture by Creek? Well, this side wound was no torture compared to hearing Poppy's fearful screams and him being unable to help. A tear trickled from his eye. Was Poppy dead?

This is my fault, he thought. If I had just stayed in the village and not gone out to collect useless stuff, Poppy would be unharmed. The guilt weighed down on him like a stone.

"Is he awake?" came an unfamiliar voice.

Branch frowned slightly. Why did someone want to know if he was awake? And why did they sound so panicky? He lifted his head just a bit, relieved that his vision was pretty clear now. He recognized the room as a hospital. Two Trolls that he had seen occasionally surrounded him with anxious eyes.

I'm home? Branch thought.

One of the Trolls, an orange-skinned male with paler orange hair and green eyes, moved closer to him. "How do you feel, Branch?" he asked.

Branch stared up at him. He felt weak. "Where's Poppy?" he asked as if the orange Troll had never spoken to him. " she okay?"

The orange male sighed. "She's hurt. Badly. Worse than you," he replied.

Branch's heart pounded faster. "She'll be okay, right?" he asked.

The other Troll, a pale purple female with greenish hair came to stand by her companion. "She has a twenty percent chance of survival, Branch," she said in a regretful tone.

"N-no..." Liquid watered up in Branch's eyes, sliding from his tear ducts and trickling down his face. A lump tightened up in his throat, and he felt the grief wracking his whole body. The pain in his side had lessened, he noticed. It was now bandaged up, with blood stains covering the soft white fabric. But he was still in pain, and that pain increased as he wept into his pillow. This is my fault! I can't love anyone without them dying! First my parents, then my grandma, and now Poppy! What did I do to deserve this? He began shaking as anger and despair filled his entire body.

Poppy is not dead, whispered a voice in his head. You must have hope.

Branch gasped in shock he as recognized his grandmother's voice. Her warmth seemed to surround him, giving him an aching nostalgic feeling. He had not felt this since he was a kid.

"We will leave you to rest," came the voice of the doctor. He was snapped from the moment and felt a surge of anger, but swallowed it back. The two doctors left the room, leaving him by himself.

The pain in his side was increasing much more, feeling like he was being cut open all over again. At this point, he didn't care. Poppy most likely wouldn't make it and he didn't want to live in a world without her...

The end for this chapter. I have something intense planned soon so shhh

Let's get to the question!

Have you watched Trolls on party mode? 😂

My answer:
Yes, I have. It helped me learn the lyrics better.

Give me your answers in the comments and don't forget to vote!

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