Chapter 6

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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀< Poppy's POV >

Poppy lifted her head, feeling groggy and weird. There was comforting warmth surrounding her lithe pink body and she looked up to see the handsome bright blue face of Branch. His breath gently brushed against her skin as he exhaled, and the Queen relished the soft feeling. She still couldn't get over the amazing feeling of giving him a blowjob. It had been probably the best experience of her life.

But unfortunately the Troll Queen had tired easily due to the stress over her sick father and the constant, fast bobbing of her head. The taste of Branch's semen still lingered on her tongue, and she desperately wanted it again. She was aware of the uncomfortable aching in her private regions, and winced slightly. There was a slight throb between her legs. She was certainly aroused by the handsome blue Troll.

She lifted a hand and tentatively brushed her small pink fingers through his soft dark blue hair. He grumbled a bit at her touch. And a second later, those wonderful ice-blue irises flickered open and stared her in the face. "Sleep well?" she asked softly. Branch chuckled and moved closer to her, his strong arm draping around her waist and pulling her against his muscular body. She sighed and gripped his shoulder, pressing her pointy ear to his beating heart. It was soothing to her.

"You were certainly exhausted earlier, Pops," Branch commented after a few moments of silence. "Is everything okay? Last time I checked, blowjobs didn't cause sleepiness like that."

Poppy glanced up at him, her chin still resting on his chest. "I'm just stressed, that's all," she replied.

Branch enfolded her in both of his arms and lifted her up on top of him. Her legs straddled his torso and she planted her firm hands on his chest. A smirk appeared on her lips. "What do you plan on doing, my King?" she asked.

Branch's eyes widened a little. "King?" He tipped his head to one side in confusion.

Poppy's face flushed red with embarrassment and she looked away. "Sorry," she muttered.

The male's large hand delicately gripped her face and turned her gaze back to him. "Poppy, what are you trying to say?" he asked.

Poppy flopped down on top of him, her waist spooning his. She ignored the feeling of the bulge under his boxers pressing against her inner thighs. Now was not the time. "Branch, I told you before," she started. "I feel so in love with you it hurts. I don't wanna just stay friends. I mean, how can we just say we're friends when we've made out and I sucked your dick?" She laughed in at her words, thinking it was weird. Her, a happy-go-lucky little sweetheart, sex talking. She had to admit it was strange for her. And new.

Branch's fingers rubbed her middle back. She shivered a bit at his touch. It was a lovely feeling. "You're right, Poppy," he said with a long sigh. "But don't you think this'll be a surprise for the others?"

Poppy frowned. "I wouldn't think so," she replied. "Remember our moment in the pot? Or when Smidge lifted us into the air? Obviously they want us to happen." She stroked his broad shoulders gently. The longing ache in her chest she'd felt earlier had returned and made her sink her pretty face into the much older Troll's clothes. She inhaled his earthy scent and was immediately comforted.

"You do have a point." Branch's soft, yet deep voice sounded in her ear after a while. The strong male shifted into a sitting position but gripped Poppy's smaller body in a gentle grasp so she wouldn't slide off him. She gazed up into his brilliant azure eyes, her own ruby ones sparkling expectantly. Her heart pattered much faster against her chest, and she clasped his shoulders tighter in her hands.

A smile curled across Branch's face. He pressed his large purple nose to her forehead and took a deep breath, clearly trying to take in her aroma as she'd been doing to him. "Perhaps things should be different. I can't look at you without my heart racing, or without that wonderful rush of warmth exploding through my veins. You're all I want and all I need, Poppy. I can't live without you." His face tickled her hair as he nuzzled the top of her head gently.

Trolls Fanfiction: Blue Poppyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن