Chapter 16

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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀< Branch's POV >

Branch slowly opened his eyes, his vision quite blurry. There was a throbbing pain in his head as he slowly levered himself upwards.

The blue-skinned Troll gazed around, his eyesight clearing up. He found he was surrounded by rusty cage bars, a dusty floor underneath him.

To his surprise, Creek was standing just outside the tiny Troll-sized prison. The meditator gazed at him wth a smug expression. "Well, well, well, the little hero decides to finally wake up," he said in a mocking tone. "Some brave hero you must be, Branch. Weakened by something you prepared for for years." He shrugged, starting to pace back and forth in front of the cage.

Branch growled in fury. "Creek, what is the meaning of this? Have you touched Poppy? If so, I'm gonna—"

"What? You're going to what, Branch?" the purple male inquired. "Rip my head off? Stab me, again? That's your answer to everything! Violence! You're no Troll, Branch. You're a monster. Poppy is stupid if she can't see that. She's not safe with you."

"Oh, and I suppose she's safe with you, right?" Branch scoffed. "You raped her, for crying out loud!" He dug his fingers into the soft flesh of his thighs.

Creek rolled his eyes. "Let's put the past behind us, okay?" he said in a voice that was becoming friendly. But it made Branch uncomfortable.

"Where's Poppy?" Branch demanded in a hard, threatening tone.

Creek chuckled. "She's...places," he replied.

"If you don't tell me what you've done to her, I'll come out there and rip off that stupid hair of yours!" the blue Troll spat.

"See? Exactly what I'm talking about. Violence is your best friend. Can't you settle things with words for once?" Creek shook his head in disappointment and continued on with his delicate pacing in front of the cage.

The door to the room they were in came flinging open, and to Branch's horror, Chef was standing there. She wore her tall white hat, white clothing, a belt with her cooking utensils, and her bright blue hair brushed neatly over her head. Her bright yellow-orange eyes locked on Branch and he felt his stomach churning uneasily.

"Our prisoner has awoken," Chef commented. "Splendid." She laughed lowly, her gaze full of ambition and evil.

"Where's Poppy?" Branch growled.

"Oh, don't worry," Chef dismissed. "She's not important right now. You're my main focus...Branch." She scooped up Creek in her hand and set him on her shoulder where he seated himself.

Branch began to wonder how the two even entered Bergentown without being spotted. Creek he understood would be able to hide better because of his small size, but why was Chef allowed here?

Don't tell me King Gristle let them in! Oh, he's an even bigger idiot than I thought! Branch's heart was pounding from the adrenaline of panic spiraling through his veins. Where was Poppy? What were Creek and Chef going to do to him?

"Right, well." Chef's voice brought him back to reality and he gazed up at her nervously. "Now that we've checked up on him, let's leave. There's no way he'd ever escape. And he knows what'll happen if he tries it." The purple Bergen stared at him warningly, daringly. Like she was challenging him to attempt freedom.

Branch had no idea what she planned on doing to him if he tried escaping. But he didn't want to think about it at all. The two evil creatures left the room, leaving Branch by himself in his cage.

He fell back onto his rump, sitting once again and bringing folded legs up to his chest and setting his chin on top of his knees. Sadness dragged down at him. What if Poppy was dead? I c-can't turn gray again...

But he already saw the deadened color spreading across his hands. He gasped in shock, shaking himself violently as if trying to rid of the depressing color. "Poppy..." he whimpered.

Suddenly, a stirring sound came from close by. The blue male turned his head, looking around frantically and trying to pinpoint the noise source.

He soon saw it. His love. His Queen. She was curled up in a corner just outside the cage, chains dragging down at her limbs, cuts scored across her body, and her beautiful, silky blue dress ripped and dirty. Her sparkling pink eyes were dull and scared as she watched the ground.

"Poppy!" Branch gasped, rising to his feet and racing over to the edge of the cage. Longing spread across his chest, but at least the gray color had been once again replaced by a happy bright blue.

The pink Troll looked over at him, her gaze full of fear. "Branch..." she choked out. "How do we get out?"

"I don't know, sweet," Branch replied sadly, slumping down into a sitting position with his legs tucked underneath him. "But we'll find a way somehow. I promise." He reached out a hand through one of the bars, a longing to feel Poppy against him burning fiercely through his body.

Why was this happening? Their wedding wasn't too far off, and life had just been lifting back to normal. Poppy had finally recovered from her father's death and Creek's brutal rape. Branch had found a happy place, recovered from the horrid death of his whole family. All eaten by Bergens.

"I love you, Poppy," he muttered, grasping the bars tighter in his hands.

Poppy gazed at him, a single tear trickling from her eye. "I love you too, Branch."

This chapter was a little short compared to my other ones. Whoops 😂

Anyways, let's get on with the question:

Branch or Poppy?

I love them both but Branch for sure!

Give me your answer in the comments and don't forget to vote!

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