Chapter 14

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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Poppy's POV >
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀(NSFW Warning)

Poppy was spluttering with happiness the next few days. The whole village now knew about Branch's proposal and all the Queen's friends were making preparations for a wedding. But, of course, that wouldn't be for a few more weeks.

Poppy watched her Trolls from where she sat on a stone. Suki was talking to Guy Diamond. She noticed they'd been a lot closer and guessed Guy Diamond was feeling something for the DJ after all. She snickered slightly. She was so happy for them. We'll live a fun life together, Suki, just as we always have.

Branch was close by, reading a book. He closed it soon and came to sit next to Poppy. "Ah, it's such a nice night, don't you think?" he asked. He slipped an arm around her waist and pulled her against him.

"It's not exactly night yet, Branch," Poppy chuckled. "We still have some sunlight left." She gazed beyond the large Troll Tree and saw dark golden light filtering in from the horizon. The sky was streaked with shades of orange and pink, giving them a beautiful view. "I hope we see stars tonight. I love stars!"

Branch smiled. "I know you do, Poppy," he muttered, pressing his nose to her cheek. She leaned against him, feeling his comforting warmth and the soft scent of earth clinging to his body filling her nostrils.

The couple sat there for the longest time, watching their friends as they went about their day, or as some of them prepared for the upcoming wedding. Poppy knew her friends wanted everything perfect so they would start decorating weeks before an event. She was that way too, and she wanted to help them, but they insisted they'd do everything.

"Well, it's getting dark," Branch's voice sounded in her ear. "Let's get back to the house."

In the days since Branch's marriage proposal, the blue Troll had moved in with his Queen. He'd taken everything out of his house and opened it to anyone who wanted a new home.

Poppy could tell Branch was just happy to be living with her, sleeping next to her, waking up with her in his arms every morning. Poppy loved it as much as he did, of course.

"Yeah, let's go," she agreed, standing up and following him towards her—no, their house. Nighttime was falling over the town, and to Poppy's amazement, bright stars scattered across the blanket of darkness overhead. She admired the tiny orbs for a few seconds before ducking inside the home.

The lights were turned off. And before Poppy could turn them on, Branch moved closer to her. She glanced at her partner, eyes glittering quizzically.

The male Troll moved against her, slowly bringing her towards a wall. Poppy blushed at his movements. His lips gently pressed against hers and she returned it, her mouth moving skillfully against his. Branch's hot breath burned her face as he began breathing much faster.

Poppy could feel their pounding hearts pressed to each other.

The Queen's tongue met her fiancé's, and they twined together like two Trolls dancing. Their saliva mixed and they truly felt engulfed in each other.

Branch was warm and had a firm grip on her body. He was gentle. Perfect for her. She didn't want a rough sex session with Branch. It would remind her too much of what Creek had done. Branch clearly knew this, therefore, he was careful.

His hands traced over her body, brushing her thighs, moving up her flanks, and soon cupping her breasts. The kiss broke apart, and Poppy stared wildly into his bright blue orbs, too stunned by the beautiful color to look away. "Let's take this to the bed," Branch suggested in strong pants. Sweat was trickling from his hair just slightly, and his skin was burning.

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