Chapter 12

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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀< Poppy's POV >

Poppy was sitting under a mushroom near her house. Since the week that had passed, Creek disappeared. But she knew he wasn't done with his revenge. She had recovered from the brutal rape most the way and was feeling a lot less cautious. She would jump at every little sound and get pretty anxious when seeing another male. The only male she'd trusted through the week was Branch. But he'd made her feel safe again, promising he'd protect her from anything. She knew the handsome blue Troll was strong enough to take on the most dangerous creatures in all the land. So she trusted him.

Her friends had been circling her like a hawk, watching to make sure she was okay. Satin and Chenille were being way too overprotective and only letting certain Trolls visit Poppy. Suki had sat next to her several times and comforted her if she cried. Though Suki was her best friend, Poppy always wished the arms wrapped around her belonged to Branch.

Cooper had been on guard, surrounding the places she was either sitting or walking and watching everyone with a threatening gaze. But the tall giraffe-Troll was too adorable to appear as a threat. A few other Trolls just snickered at him as they passed.

Biggie had, like Suki, sat next to her and let her lean against his chubby dark blue body while she confessed a few thoughts. But she never told him too much. Biggie would let her hold Mr. Dinkles which was surprising since he was so protective over his little worm-pet. But pets could relieve the pain of stress so she had welcomed the offer with relief. Mr. Dinkles had helped her calm down. His little warm colorful body and the cute little faces he made warmed her heart.

Guy Diamond, on the other hand, had sung to her. No, not in a romantic way. But with his beautiful, auto-tuned singing voice he had been able to bring out some positive songs. Her most favorite ones, anyway. It had cheered her up and she found herself mumbling the lyrics along with him several times. Poppy wanted to get back into her normal singing routines, but it was hard with all the stress.

Fuzzbert and Smidge had entertained her with funny little tricks with their strength. Fuzzbert was pretty strong since he was all hair (but had feet, of course) but his strength was nowhere close to Smidge's. They'd danced a little for her, and she found great joy in the show. Her friends were truly amazing Trolls. She'd be lost without them.

Now, Cooper was surrounding her sitting place underneath a large red and white-spotted mushroom. His long blue legs were spread out as he crouched lower to the ground, his pink-furred body being tinged with orange as he flashed in and out of the beating afternoon sun.

Satin and Chenille were nearby making strange shapes with their adjoined hair. Guy Diamond was talking to Suki, Smidge and Fuzzbert were play-fighting, and Biggie was currently feeding Mr. Dinkles.

Poppy wondered where Branch was. He said he would be busy today gathering things, but had not specified what those "things" were. She guessed sticks like he used to collect in their old home for traps and weapons. Days ago she would've questioned him heavily. But with Creek and Chef posing as threats again, it was certainly necessary.

Poppy was slightly hurt that he had not invited her along with him. She wanted to watch him picking out each stick, each plant, whatever the hell he gathered out there. But perhaps there was something he did he didn't want her to see. She chuckled a little at the thought. Branch getting embarrassed was one of her favorite things. He was so cute!

"Poppy?" came a familiar voice.

The pink Queen turned her head and was surprised to see Suki standing in front of her. She scoot over a little and patted the ground beside her. "Yes, Suki?" she asked as her friend walked over and seated herself next to her.

Trolls Fanfiction: Blue PoppyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora