Chapter 18

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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Poppy's POV >

Poppy gazed at Bridget with relief filling her. She must've gotten suspicious when she saw Chef.

Her Bergen friend looked much different now. Her hair was much neater, still tied up, but much nicer and silky-looking. She no longer wore her stained scullery maid outfit, but a nice purple dress.

The young Bergen gasped in shock as she caught sight of her and Branch locked up. "Hey! What's going on here?" she asked, rushing over the the countertop they were on.

Creek gazed up at the Queen of Bergentown. "Chef needs these two for something special," he replied.

Bridget frowned. "Chef isn't supposed to be here! She...she had plans to kill Gristle and take over as Queen. She tried to kill all the Trolls." She nudged Creek aside with her stubby hand and reached towards Poppy.

Creek rushed in front of her with a daring gaze. "Don't think about it!" he snapped.

"He's right, don't," came the threatening, low tone of Chef.

Bridget turned around, and Poppy saw some fear flashing in her eyes. "Chef! You're not supposed to be here!"

Chef smiled widely. "Then why did Gristle let me in? I'm sorry, honey, it's not my fault your husband is such an idiot." She chuckled wickedly.

"He's not an idiot!" Bridget protested. "And you can't just lock these Trolls up! What will Gristle think if he sees them? He'll just banish you all over again!"

Chef came over, smacking her skinny hand across Bridget's face. The pink-skinned Bergen turned away from the evil other. She held her cheek in her hand that had grown red from the pain she was clearly in.

Poppy wanted to help, but she was once again reminded of the chains dragging down at her. Branch was watching worriedly and Creek had his eyes narrowed.

"If you say anything to Gristle, I'll shove these two Trolls down your throat and let you live with the guilt of killing them!" Chef roared.

Bridget cast a regretful look over to Poppy and Branch, but nodded in reluctant agreement. "Fine," she muttered. The female turned to the door, her steps slow and sad.

But there was something about this action that intrigued Poppy. This wasn't like Bridget. Sure, she might let others control her at times, but she was very strong. She couldn't help but wonder if the Bergen Queen had anything planned.

We'll wait and see, Poppy thought.

"Now that that's over, we can get started," Chef announced. She walked over to Branch's cage, unlocking the little door, and reaching in to grasp the blue Troll in her hand. "Let's have a little fun with this guy, shall we, Creek?"

Creek smirked. "It'd be a pleasure," he returned. He glanced over at Poppy, his eyes glistening. "We'd better take that one too." He walked over and pulled a key out from his yellow yoga pants, unlocking Poppy's chains. But before Poppy could make much movement, Chef's other hand scooped down and grappled her body.

"Now let's go," she said, and Creek levered himself up her arm to perch like a bird on her shoulder.

Poppy felt a sharp pain in her neck and she soon passed out.

The Troll Queen's eyes flickered open, and she squinted against brightness flaring all around her. She was in a white-colored room and saw Branch nearby. But to her horror, the handsome blue Troll was strapped down to a chair. Poppy noticed she was pinned against a wall by several chains. She thought she'd never be free again. Metal constantly digging into her skin. With nothing but the sounds of her own heart beating with fear, and Creek's threats.

As if her thoughts had summoned him, Creek came bustling in through the door. The room was definitely Troll-sized. They were in some glass enclosure, and Poppy could see Chef watching evilly just outside.

Fear trickled through her. What was going to happen? Why were they in this room?

Creek approached Branch with his eyes glimmering angrily. "It's time to test just how strong you are, Branchie!" the British purple Troll chuckled. He poked Branch's nose in a teasing manner, reminding Poppy of the little "boops" he used to give her.

"Creek, what are you doing?" Poppy demanded.

But the meditator ignored her.

Branch was glaring at the other male with such intensity, Poppy was surprised he didn't flinch. "Try your worst, bitch! We both know I could knock you out easily!" he snarled. (The first sentence Branch said was a reference to Suicide Squad lmao)

Creek shrugged, running forward and tackling Branch to the ground. Branch was unable to fight back, strapped to tightly against the chair.

"No!" Poppy shouted. Was Creek really going to injure Branch? Or kill him!

No, Branch, please! Stay strong! I need you because—

Her thoughts were cut off by a groan of pain coming from her fiancé. Creek had pulled three knives from his pockets and was now drawing the blades across the bulky male's soft blue skin.

Branch gritted his teeth, and Poppy saw tears flowing from his eyes. She knew crying was simply an instinctive response to pain, but the way Creek's eyes shimmered with laughter disgusted her. "Now you know how it feels!" the purple male barked.

Scarlet droplets seeped through the cuts made in Branch's flesh, staining his clothes. He scrabbled helplessly against the chair he was attached to, his feet kicking up slightly in an attention to throw Creek off. But his movements were failed.

Creek lifted one of the knives up, letting his hand drop straight towards Branch's body.

Poppy screeched in fear and grief as the silver blade embedded itself into Branch's side.

The brawny blue male's eyes widened and he gasped heavily as blood spluttered from his new wound.

"This is just how I felt when I saw you take Poppy from me," he muttered so quietly, Poppy knew the words had meant to be avoided from her hearing. But she heard everything.

He did love me still! Poppy thought. But she was not going to fall for him. He had just injured the love of her life...or perhaps killed him.

Thank you for reading!

Let's get on with the question!

Who are your favorite side characters?

Mine are Guy Diamond and Smidge

Give me your answer in the comments and don't forget to vote!

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