Chapter 11

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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀< Branch's POV >

Branch had Creek pinned to the ground, his knife held firmly in his hand. He was ready to slit the throat of the stupid purple Troll but part of him knew it wasn't the way. He simply slashed the blade across the other male's soft skin, leaving cuts dripping with red liquid. Creek wailed in pain and tried to throw Branch off. But Branch was much bigger and stronger than him.

"You son of a bitch!" Branch shouted. "How dare you hurt Poppy?! If you want her to love you, show her kindness! Don't be some selfish idiot! And definitely do not sexually abuse that amazing Troll!"

To Branch's triumph, Creek was trembling. The blue Troll stepped off him and let him stumble to his feet, gritting his teeth hard together as he was reminded of his stinging wounds.

Branch smirked. "Go away!" he hissed. "You are not wanted here, Creek!" He lashed his knife in the other Troll's direction and he yelped in fear, tripping and slipping across the ground as he dashed off. Branch might've turned back to his original colors and he might've been happy now, but he certainly had not lost his ability to scare others off.

He ran over to Poppy who had passed out from fear. He grabbed the Queen's delicate shoulders and gently shook her. "Poppy!" he whispered, concern lacing his tone. His heart thumped hard in his chest and he looked around for some way to help her wake up. But before he could make much movement, Poppy made a small grumbling noise and lifted her head.

Blood stained her clothes, dripping from her core and forming a small pool around her legs. Sweat was beading down from her hair. She looked worn out. She panted just slightly. Her arms and legs were still pinned to the ground by harsh bramble tendrils that he could see had embedded themselves into her flesh.

Branch rushed over, using his knife to slice the vine-like plants and quickly untie them from Poppy's limbs. Blood welled from the scratches left by the thorny growth, and the blue Troll moved closer to her. He scooped her up in his arms and ran off in the direction of the village.

He had been able to find Poppy quite easily. He had not been in his home. To the Queen's good fortune, he had been scavenging hardly-touched areas for supplies. Poppy's bloodcurdling screeches had distracted him completely from his gathering. He had been disgusted by the scene of Creek getting on her like a wild animal, pleasuring only himself and ripping away Poppy's virginity in such a violent manner.

Branch ignored the flash of jealousy that sparked inside him. He had been hoping he would be that Troll who took the Queen's virginity away. The only sexual contact they'd had was the blowjob and he'd been thinking about it constantly nonstop. He wanted to do more of that stuff with Poppy. But she knew she'd probably feel too violated from this tragic event to even think about sex.

Branch walked for a very long time until he finally emerged into the village. Poppy was still draped in his arms.

Everyone turned to stare as he entered. Poppy's main friends came dashing over in a flurry of whimpers and screams. They clearly saw the blood washing the Queen's body.

"What happened??" DJ Suki asked in a frantic voice. Branch knew Suki was Poppy's best friend, and she certainly looked the most concerned out of all of them.

Smidge clenched her fists. "Did you hurt her, Branchie?" the little yellow and blue Troll demanded. Despite her tiny size, she was very physically strong. Branch admired her for that. But he shook his head.

"Creek hurt her," he growled.

Everyone gasped in horror. The other Trolls of Troll Tree were gathering around to hear Branch speak.

"What did he do?" Guy Diamond demanded. The usually happy-looking glittery Troll was angry as hell right now.

Biggie was holding Mr. Dinkles close to his chest in a protective barrier with his arms, Satin and Chenille moved closer to Poppy who had passed out again, Cooper was completely lost for words, and Fuzzbert was scuffling at the ground with his little orange feet.

"Creek, that Troll known as the biggest traitor to ever exist, raped our amazing Queen," Branch told everyone.

Satin and Chenille immediately had angered gazes. The twin sisters were extremely protective over Poppy. "What??" they both hissed together.

The gathered crowd was muttering anxiously among each other, their voices crowding Branch's ears.

Suki stepped forward and ran to Poppy. Branch lowered her to the ground for the red-skinned Troll to see her better. "Poppy..." Suki muttered sadly.

Poppy coughed and her bright ruby eyes flickered open back to wakefulness. She locked gazes with Suki and smiled slightly. "I'm okay," she replied sleepily. "I'll be fine."

"Where's that idiot Creek?" Smidge demanded, flexing her strong yellow hands. She clearly wanted to grab Creek and let him have a taste of her incredible strength.

Satin and Chenille nodded in agreement to Smidge's words.

Branch was amazed by the loyalty showing through Poppy's friends. They truly did care for her. And it made him realize how lucky the Queen was.

"I need to get her to her house!" Branch called, bending over and picking Poppy up off the ground again.

Suki removed her white headphones from her ears and draped them around her neck. This was clearly out of respect.

The rest of Poppy's friends watched Branch with anxious concern as he trotted off with her cradled gently in his strong arms. He bustled through the door to her house. Poppy was awake, but she wasn't speaking let alone moving. But Branch could see she was still breathing and blinking as normally.

He set the pretty pink Troll on her silly-soft bed and moved against her. Poppy pressed against him. A slight whimper of fear and dread escaped her lips. Branch glanced down and saw tears spilling over her eyelids.

"Hey, it's okay, Pops," Branch whispered, caressing his hand through her soft hair. "Please don't cry. I've got you. You're safe."

Poppy sniffled against him. "Thank you for saving me, Branch," she choked out. "You got to me before Creek could even make me pregnant. I would've screamed if I found out he had." She smiled slightly. She was taking this easier than he'd thought.

Peppy's death has made her stronger, he realized. He pulled Poppy closer to him and rubbed his hand down her back. He had dreamed of doing this for many nights. They'd only lain in bed together twice. Once after their blowjob experience and once after Peppy had died.

Branch savored the moment. He just wanted to hold Poppy in his arms forever and never let go. She was too precious to him.

"Branch?" came Poppy's soft voice.

Branch lowered his gaze towards her. "Yes, Poppy?" He placed his fingers under her chin and she closed her eyes for a few heartbeats before opening them again.

"You know what's gonna happen, right?" she asked.

Branch shook his head, utterly confused.

"Chef is alive, Creek is alive. They're going to try and bring back Trollstice. Chef is going to try and take control over Bergentown. And it's just a matter of time before Creek does the same for Troll Tree. A shadow is coming, and we must be prepared..."

Finally, we're leading up to the main plot here! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! And don't worry, there will be more Broppy sex scenes soon. They just weren't too relevant for the earlier chapters. But I need to have a little fun with this since I saw a few of you liked the blowjob chapter. You're probably wondering if NSFW is awkward for me to write. If this were 2014, then my answer would be yes. But I do dirty role play a lot and unfortunately know too much about sex so it's kinda normal? I don't know lol. (Aye I'm almost 15 years old, it's not like I'm some little 12-year-old who thinks they know everything. Though I'm not saying all 12-year-olds act like that lmao.)

ANYWAYS, let's get to the question! Who's your favorite side character?

Mine is Guy Diamond. (He was actually my most favorite for a while.) Give me your answer in the comments and don't forget to vote!

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